Viewpoints Components may be viewed as a list through [{$applicationname}].

The Maintain Viewpoint Components (IFVC) is a provided form for information purposes only.  It holds a list of the elements that make up the viewpoint options.

%%warning It is not recommended to alter these components without the assistance of your consultant.%%

The definition data for Maintain Viewpoint Components is maintained on the [P2K_FC_VIEWPOINT_COMPONENTS] table.

;[Seq|]:This field displays the sequential order of the viewpoint component.
;[Component Name|]:The name of the viewpoint component will be displayed in this field.
;[Component Type|]:The component type will be indicated in this field.
;[Mandatory|]:If this toggle is ON, the component is mandatory.
;[Single Value|]:If this toggle is ON, there can only be one instance of this title.  All the components in this screen must have the ‘Single Value’ toggle on.
;[Field Type|]:This field will indicate the type of field for this component. 
;[Description|]:This field holds a short description of the viewpoint component.
;[Reference|]:This is a future feature
;[Component Text|]:This is a future feature
;[Default Value|]:This is a future feature.