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Global Assumptions will allow you to create a statement of change that will apply to a set of budget seats for a period of time.

Global assumptions operate like the assumptions tab on (IFBA), the difference however, is that global assumptions may be created in the Define Assumption Statements (IFAS) field and then applied to different budget scenarios through the ‘Statement’ field in the Assumptions tab of IFBA.

The definition data for the Assumption Statements screen is maintained on the P2K_FC_ASSUMPTION_STATEMENTS table.

Seq # The field will indicate the sequential order of the assumption statement. Assumption_Sequence is a mandatory 5-character numeric field you must enter manually. Assumption Type This field will display the type of assumption being defined. Assumption_Type is a mandatory field you must fill using the fixed lexicon X_ASSUMPTION_TYPE. Status This field will display the status of the assumption. Assumption_Status is a mandatory field you must fill using the fixed lexicon X_ASSUMPTION_STATUS. Group This field will display the name of the group associated with this assumption Statement_Group is a mandatory field you must fill using the fixed lexicon X_STATEMENT_GROUP. Statement This field holds the user-defined name for the statement assumption being created. Statement_Code is a manual 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. Start Date This field holds the date the assumption is to begin. Start_Date is a mandatory field you may fill manually or using the calendar icon provided (F9). End Date This field holds the date the assumption is to end. End_Date is a mandatory field you may fill manually or using the calendar icon provided (F9). Description This field provides a short description of how the assumption will operate. e.g. add 2% raise to union members Description is a 50-character alphanumeric field you may manually enter. Assumption Action An assumption is either added to the database (a new premium or statistics) or is updating existing information (a wage increase or FTE change) Add Update Assumption_Action is a mandatory field you must fill using the fixed lexicon X_ASSUMPTION_ACTION. Assumption Formula This field holds the formula for the assumption. For example, if you requires a wage increase of 2.5%, the statement for is assumption is ‘Let the wage rate be equal the wage rate times 1.025’. Therefore the formula for his assumption would be: Wage_Rate = Wage_Rate * 1.025 Ensure you place spaces before and after the ‘=’ in the formula line. Assumption_Formula is an optional 2000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. The information for this field will automatically fill, however, you may edit it. Assumption Where This field allows users to limit the formula to the statement in the ‘where’ clause. For example, if you wishes to increase the wage rate of all in Unit of AMW by 2.5%, the statement would be, ‘Let the wage rate be equal the wage rate times 1.025 where the employee’s Unit is AMW’ Therefore, the formula for the assumption would be: Wage_Rate = Wage_Rate * 1.025 The ‘Where’ clause would be: Group_Code = ‘FULL-TIME’ Assumption_Where is an optional 2000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. The information for this field will automatically fill, however, you may edit it. FORMULA RULES All CHAR or alphanumeric information must be entered with single quotes around them. Standard formula format is A = B + C not B + C = A, as with UserCalcs. Formula: WAGE_RATE = WAGE_RATE * 1.02 Formula: PREMIUM_CODE = 'UNIFORM' Where: UNIT = 'alphanumeric' Where: WAGE_RATE > 12.25 Where: VACANT not filled positions Where: NOT VACANT only filled positions Creating an IFAS Statement from an IFBA Assumption It is possible to create an assumption in the budget area and have a ‘statement’ created from it. This makes it available to all budget areas. Create an assumption in IFBA Click on ‘Add New Assumption Statement’ button. Fill in statement information. Statement This field holds the name of the assumption statement. Statement_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field you must manually enter. Status This field will display the status of the assumption statement. Statement_Status is a mandatory field you may fill using the fixed lexicon X_Statement_Status. Group This field indicates the group the statement is associated with. Statement_Group is a mandatory field you may fill using the fixed lexicon X_Statement_Group. The assumption statement will now appear on the IFBA forms.

The new assumption statement can be accessed through the IFAS screen.