[{TableOfContents }] !!!Terminate Employees Termination of employees is handled through the Terminate Employees (IETR) screen. ;[Effective|]:This field defines the date the employee is officially terminated. ;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field displays the entity the employee is terminated from. ;[Unit|UNIT_CODE] / [Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE] / [Group|GROUP_CODE] / [Job|JOB_CODE] / [Position|POSITION_CODE]:These fields identify the unit, department, group, job and position that the employees belonged to in the position they were terminated from. ;[Hire Date|HIRE_DATE]:This field identifies the date the employee was hired. ;[Status|STATUS_CODE]:This field identifies the employee’s current status within the entity. ;[Termination Date|TERMINATION_DATE]:This date is the last day the employee has a relationship with the organization. Termination Date is a mandatory field that you may manually enter or use the calendar (F9) to select a date. ;[Termination Reason|]:Termination reason indicates the cause for the employee to be terminated. This user-defined code (defined on IDTR) will also control various aspects of how the termination is to be handled: collection of monies, sundry items, etc. You may manually enter this value or select from a LOV (F9). ;[Rehire Status|REHIRE_STATUS]:The rehire status indicates whether a terminated or laid off employee would be recalled or rehired. Rehire Status is a mandatory fixed lexicon. ;[ROE Comments|ROE_COMMENTS]:For Canadian installations: Provide any comments or observations to be included in Box 18 of the Record of Employment form. Note that this should only be used for exceptional circumstances. Terminate This Employee Adjust Termination Date Pressing the Adjust Termination Date button will bring up a dialog box that will allow you to change the termination date and termination reason. This functionality is also available from the IEEI screen. Un-Terminate this Employee Pressing this button will remove the termination records for the employee. The employment status will return to how it was prior to the termination.