Employee Statistics #
The Employee Statistics form is optional; it does not have to be used.
Employee Statistics may be a manually maintained form or may be updated by the payroll process to store employee related information as a result of the payroll cycle in order to capture the accumulation of statistics in addition to Year-to-Date information.
The Define Employee Statistics (IEST) form allows you to maintain numeric information about an employee’s points, awards, seniority, accumulation of time bank, etc.
‘Define Employee Statistics’ Usage and Examples#
Employee Statistics data is stored in the
P2K_HR_STATISTICS table. You should first set up the statistical components using the Define Statistical Components
(IDSC) form prior to setting up the employee statistics.
- Statistic
- This field displays a user-defined code to uniquely identify the statistic within the system. Stat_Code from IDSC (P2K_CM_STATISTIC_COMPONENTS) is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field.
- Abbreviation
- This field displays a user-defined description of the statistic. Stat_Abbreviation from IDSC (P2K_CM_STATISTIC_COMPONENTS)is a mandatory 30-character alphanumeric field defaulting from the statistic code.
- Type
- This field classifies the statistic being defined into a specific type. Stat_Type from IDSC (P2K_CM_STATISTIC_COMPONENTS) is a mandatory user-defined lexicon (X_STAT_TYPE) defaulting from the statistic code.
- Action
- This field allows you to indicate whether the system should either accumulate or replace the statistic. Stat_Action from IDSC (P2K_CM_STATISTIC_COMPONENTS) is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_STAT_ACTION) defaulting from the statistic code.
- Amount $
- This field displays a numeric value for the statistic. Amount is an optional 18 digit numeric field that may be filled by either a value supplied by you or populated through payroll.
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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