[{TableOfContents }]\\ \\ The Establish Personnel Profiles (IEHR) screen allows you to hire, rehire, terminate, and add additional employment records for people. This form allows you to view previously defined information and to perform the procedures mentioned above. This is NOT a maintenance screen. If any of the data displayed is incorrect then you must go to the appropriate form to make changes. It is not a date-sensitive screen, so effective date changes cannot be made here. IEHR automatically creates the first identity, personal, employment and assignment records when an employee is added to the system for the first time. The screen also displays data from four different sets of tables. This screen is not intended for managing or editing this data after it has been entered. The function to manage/edit or display this data is shown in parentheses after the field name. !‘Establish Personnel Profiles’ Usage and Examples ;[Person Code (IEID)|PERSON_CODE]:This field shows the unique code or number assigned to this employee by the organization (i.e. employee number, personal ID number, badge number). This code may be defined as system generated through IMCS. If a sequence record exists for the field, a code will be assigned by the system. Alternatively, you may leave this field blank and when the entity is entered, the person code will be generated. If there is no sequence record defined, the user will have to specify the code. Manually assigned numbers may be used with sequences and must be within the start/end range and less than the last system assigned number.Person_Code from [IDEN]([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. \\ ---- !!Establish Personnel Profiles (IEHR) - Personal !Identification ;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field associates an entity with the employee. ;[Salutation (IEID)|SALUTATION]:This field displays the usual forms of address (i.e. Ms, Mr., Dr, etc.) for the employee. While hiring an employee, changing the salutation to a gender-specific salutation will also change the gender. Salutation from [IDEN]([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is an optional fixed lexicon [(X_SALUTATION)]. ;[First Name (IEID)|FIRST_NAME]:This is the first name legally used by the employee. First_Name from [IDEN]([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is a 50-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Middle Name (IEID)|MIDDLE_NAME]:This is the middle name legally used by the employee. Middle_Name from [IDEN]([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Last Name (IEID)|LAST_NAME]:This field displays the legal surname of the employee, as specified on their SSN/SIN card. Last_Name from [IDEN]([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is a 50-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Gov’t Code Origin (IEID)|GOVT_CODE_ORIGIN]:This field identifies the country that generated the employee’s government code. ;[Gov’t Code (IEID)|GOVERNMENT_CODE]:The field will display the employee’s government code, formatted based upon the Govt Code Origin field (US/Canada only). For US: 648467354 will be formatted to 648-46-7354 For Canada:648467354 will be formatted to 648-467-354 Government_Code from [IDEN]([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Gov’t Code Verified|GOVT_CODE_VERIFIED]:If this toggle is ON, the government code has been verified. If this toggle is OFF, the government code has not been verified. Govt_Code_Verified is an optional toggle field you may manually fill !Demographics ;[Date of Birth (IEID)|BIRTH_DATE]:This is the date of birth of the employee (used for tax and benefit purposes). Birth_Date from [IDEN]([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is a mandatory date field. ;[Birthplace|BIRTHPLACE]:This field indicates the employee's place or country of birth. Birthplace is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Gender (IEID)|GENDER]:This field indicates whether the employee is male or female. Gender from [IDEN]([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is a mandatory fixed lexicon [(X_GENDER)]. ;[Ethnicity (IEPI)|ETHNIC]:This field displays the ethnic code or origin of the employee, used in government reporting. For U.S. Installations: The ethnic code (or race of an employee) is used for Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action reporting. For Canadian Installations: Ethnic origin of an employee, used for Employment Equity reporting. Ethnic from [IDEN]([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is a mandatory fixed lexicon [(X_ETHNIC)]. ;[Language (IEPI)|LANGUAGE_CODE]:This field shows the employee's communication language of preference. English will default. Language_Code is a mandatory fixed lexicon [(X_LANGUAGE_CODE)]. ;[Rank (IEID)|RANK]:This field shows any name extension (i.e. Jr., Sr., III etc.) the employee may have. Rank is an optional fixed lexicon [(X_RANK)] that you may use to look up the value. ;[Drivers License (IEID)|DRIVERS_LICENSE]:This field holds the employee’s driver’s license number. Drivers_License is a 30-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Veteran Status|VETERAN_STATUS]: U.S. Installations: This field indicates the employee is to be reported on the U.S. Veterans’ Report under this veteran category. Veteran_Status is an optional fixed lexicon [(X_VETERAN_STATUS)] you may use to look up the value. ;[Challenged|CHALLENGED]:Indicates an employee is physically or mentally challenged. U.S. Installations: An employee who is a ‘qualified individual with a disability’ under the Americans with Disabilities Act. For Canadian Installations: An employee who wishes to be considered a ‘person with disabilities’ under the Employment Equity Act 1995. Challenged is an optional fixed lexicon [(X_CHALLENGED)] you may use to look up the value. !Primary Address ;[Address 1 (IEPI)|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field displays the home address (street or rural route or concession number) of the employee. Address_Line_1 from ([P2K_HR_PERSONALS]) is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Address 2 (IEPI)|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field shows the second line of home address, used for PO Box number or special delivery instructions. Address_Line_2 from ([P2K_HR_PERSONALS]) is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[City (IEPI)|LOCALITY]:This field refers to the city, district or township name of residence. Locality from ([P2K_HR_PERSONALS]) is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[State, Country (IEPI)|STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field refers to the state or province where employee resides. State_Province_Code from [IDSP] ([P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES]) is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Zip/Postal (IEPI)|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field will display the mailing code. The formatting (either Zip or Postal) will be determined by the associated Country code. Zip_Postal from ([P2K_HR_PERSONALS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Tax Jurisdiction (IEPI)|GEO_CODE]:This field displays the residence tax jurisdiction, applicable to US. For Canadian installations, the province is used. Geo-Code from [IDTX] ([P2K_CM_TAX_JURISDICTIONS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[School District (IEPI)|SCHOOL_DISTRICT_CODE]: For U.S. installations only: This field indicates the school district in the residence where employee pays school taxes. School_District_Code from [IDSD] ([P2K_CM_SCHOOL_DISTRICTS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. !Phone Information ;[Phone Unlisted|PHONE_UNLISTED]:This field indicates that the employee‘s home phone number is unlisted. Phone_Unlisted is an option toggle that you may fill manually. ;[Phone # (IEPI)|PHONE_NUMBER]:This field holds the employee’s home phone number. 3145678654 will be formatted to (314) 678-8654 Phone_Number from ([P2K_HR_PERSONALS]) is a 20-character optional alphanumeric field. ;[Alt Phone # (IEPI)|ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:This is the employee's alternate phone number. 3145674563 will be formatted to (314) 567-4563 Alt_Phone_Number is a 20-character optional alphanumeric field. ;[Cellular # (IEPI)|CELLULAR_NUMBER]:Personal cellular or mobile phone number. Cellular_Number is a 20-character optional alphanumeric field. ;[Fax # (IEPI)|FAX_NUMBER]:This is the personal fax number for the employee. 3145678645 will be formatted to (314) 567-8645 Fax_Number is a 20-character optional alphanumeric field. ;[Email (IEPI)|EMAIL_ADDRESS]:This is the personal email address for the employee. Email_Address is a 50-character optional alphanumeric field. !Mailing Address ;[Mail Address 1 (IEPI)|MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field holds the employee’s mailing address (street or rural route or concession number). Mail_Address_Line_1 is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Mail Address 2 (IEPI)|MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field shows the second line of employee’s mailing address, used for PO Box number or special delivery instructions. Mail_Address_Line_2 is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Mail City (IEPI)|MAIL_LOCALITY]:This field displays the city, district or township name used with the employee’s mailing address. Mail_Locality is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[State, Country (IEPI)|STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field shows the standard abbreviation of the state or province used with the employee’s mailing address. State_Province_Code from [IDSP] ([P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field that. ;[Mail Zip (IEPI)|MAIL_ZIP_POSTAL]:This field will display the mailing code. Mail_Zip_Postal is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. !Additional Info ;[Years Education (IEPI)|YEARS_EDUCATION]:This field displays the number of years of education this employee has. Years_Education is an optional field. ;[Marital Status (IEPI)|MARITAL_STATUS]:This field shows the marital status of the employee. The Taxation Filing status will be defined on the US Pay Rules [(IPRLU)] form or CDN Pay Rules [(IPRLC)] form if your implementation includes the payroll module. Marital_Status is an optional fixed lexicon [(X_MARITAL_STATUS)] you may use to look up the value. ;[Date of Marriage (IEPI)|MARRIED_DATE]:This is the date employee was most recently married. Married_Date is an optional date field you may manually enter or use the calendar (F9) for any date changes that may occur. ;[Number of Dependents (IEPI)|NUMBER_DEPENDENTS]:This field indicates the number of dependents this employee has. The number of dependents is for information purposes only; they are not used for taxation purposes. This information will be defined on the US Pay Rules [(IPRLU)] form if your implementation includes the payroll module. Number_Dependents is an optional field. ;[Citizen Status (IEPI)|CITIZEN_STATUS]:This field indicates the citizenship status of an employee. Citizen_Status is an optional fixed lexicon [(X_CITIZEN_STATUS)] you may use to look up the value. ;[Citizenship (IEPI)|COUNTRY_CODE]:This field indicates the employee's country of citizenship. Country_Code from [IDCO] ([P2K_CM_COUNTRIES]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. \\ ---- !!Establish Personnel Profiles (IEHR) - Employment ;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field is the entity into which the employee is being hired. You cannot change the Entity Code an employee is hired into. You may add multiple Employment records for different entities in IEHR. Entity_Code from [IDEN]([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Employment Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:Describes the type of relationship the employee has with the organization. When an employee is hired, their employment type will be inherited from the group, this employment type will be displayed on the id line of all of the employee-related forms. You cannot change the Employment Type an employee is, once the record has been created. You may add multiple Employment records for different employment types in IEHR. Employment_Type from ([P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]) is an optional fixed lexicon [(X_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE)] you may use to look up the value. ;[Hire Date (IEEI)|HIRE_DATE]:The hire date is the date that the employment agreement or period of employment commences. Hire_Date is a mandatory date field. ;[Hire Sequence (IEEI)|HIRE_SEQUENCE]:When more than one employee is hired on the same date, it may be necessary to assign a sequential number to each employee for seniority purposes. Hire_Sequence from ([P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]) is an optional numeric field. !Assignment Information ;[Original Hire Date|ORIGINAL_HIRE_DATE]:The earliest date an employee ever worked for this or any related organization. Original_Hire_Date from ([P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS]) is an optional numeric field. ;[Seniority Date|SENIORITY_DATE]:This date is used to calculate the length of service for seniority purposes, and/or benefit and leave entitlements, and pension calculations. ;[First Work Date|FIRST_WORK_DATE]:The date an employee first performs duties and/or attends the work place for the current period of employment. !Termination Info ;[Termination Date|TERMINATION_DATE]:This field shows the last day of the employee’s relationship with the organization. Termination_Date is derived from the [IETR] form and cannot be changed directly on this screen. ;[Termination Reason|TERMINATION_CODE]:User-defined termination code that identifies the reason for the termination. Termination_Code is derived from the [IETR] form and cannot be changed directly on this screen. ;[Last Work Date|LAST_WORK_DATE]:The date an employee last performs duties and/or attends the work place for the current period of employment ;[Assignment (IEAS)|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:The assignment code is user-defined code that identifies the assignment. Assignment_Code from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]) is a 16 character alphanumeric mandatory. ;[Prime (IEAS)|PRIME_ASSIGNMENT]:If this toggle is ON, this assignment will be regarded as the primary assignment regardless of the type indicated. If this toggle is OFF, this is an additional assignment. Please note there must be only one prime assignment at all times. Prime_Assignment from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]) is an optional toggle field. ;[Type (IEAS)|ASSIGNMENT_TYPE]:The assignment type describes the purpose of the assignment record. Each employment record has a corresponding assignment, with an assignment type of 'primary'. Optionally, there may be additional assignments of different types. Primary will default for the first assignment. Alternate Primary will default for any subsequent assignments added in IEHR. Assignment_Type from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]) is a mandatory fixed lexicon [(X_ASSIGN_TYPE)] you may use to look up the value. ;[Status (IEAS)|ASSIGNMENT_STATUS]:This field is used for the contract facility and will display the employee’s assignment status. The value will default to ‘Ongoing’. Assignment_Status from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]) is a mandatory fixed lexicon [(X_ASSIGN_STATUS)] that you may use to look up the value. ;[Start Date (IEAS)|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]:This field shows the start date of the assignment. The hire date will default. Assignment_Start_Date from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]) is a mandatory date field. You may either leave the default date or manually enter an override date. ;[End Date (IEAS)|ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE]:This field shows the end date of the assignment. Assignment_End_Date from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS]) is an optional date field. \\ ---- !!Establish Personnel Profiles (IEHR) - Definition ;[Position (IEAS)|POSITION_CODE]:This is the position to which the employee is assigned. Position_Code from [IDPS] ([P2K_CM_POSITIONS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Title (IEAS)|ASSIGNMENT_TITLE]:This is the official or formal title of the position or job for this assignment. The assignment title is inherited from the position (or job) title, but may be overridden. This value will be defaulted from Position (if supplied) or Job. Assignment_Title from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Job (IEAS)|JOB_CODE]:This field indicates the task that the employee is hired to perform. If position is supplied, this value will be defaulted. The Job list will be restricted to the unit supplied. Job_Code from [IDJB] ([P2K_CM_JOBS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Unit (IEAS)|UNIT_CODE]:This is the unit with which the employee is affiliated. If position is supplied, this value will be defaulted. Unit_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that will default from the group and may not be overridden. ;[Department (IEAS)|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:This field shows the department to which the employee is assigned. If position is supplied, this value will be defaulted. Department_Code from [IDDP] ([P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Group (IEAS)|GROUP_CODE]:This shows the group code that determines the policy rules under which the employee must be processed. If position is supplied, this value will be defaulted. Group_Code from [IDGR] ([P2K_CM_GROUPS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Work Rule (IEAS)|WORK_RULE_CODE]:Work rules are used to determine standard payroll processing information required to create pay headers and transactions for an employee. The data for this field is inherited from the position, job, department or group, but may be overridden. If position is supplied, this value will be defaulted. Work_Rule_Code from [IDWR] ([P2K_CM_WORK_RULES]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. !Status ;[Employment Status (IEAS)|STATUS_CODE]:This field indicates an individual’s employment status as pending approval, active, on a leave of some type or terminated. This value will be defaulted based upon the group the employee is in. Status_Code from [IDES] ([P2K_CM_EMPLOYMENT_STATUSES]) is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Leave Date (IEAS)|LEAVE_DATE]:This field indicates the date the employee’s leave commences. Leave_Date from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional date field you may manually enter or use the calendar (F9) to look up the date. ;[Leave Reason (IEAS)|LEAVE_REASON]:A reason for the leave of absence may be entered here. Leave_Reason from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional fixed lexicon [(X_leave_reason)]. ;[Work Type (IEAS)|WORK_TYPE]:Work type classifies the assignment to a specific category. Work_Type from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional user-defined lexicon [(X_WORK_TYPE)]. ;[WCB Class (IEAS)|WCB_CLASS]:This field associates the position to a Workers’ Compensation class. If position is supplied, this value will be defaulted. WCB_Class from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional user-defined lexicon [(X_WCB_CLASS)]. \\ ---- !!Establish Personnel Profiles (IEHR) - Compensation !Work Arrangement ;[FTE (IEAS)|FTE]:Full Time Equivalence, or FTE, is a factor that indicates how an employee’s weekly hours compares with the standard full-time number of hours from the work rule (if used) or the job. An FTE factor of 1.0 indicates that this is a full time assignment. An FTE factor of less than 1.0 indicates a part-time assignment. If position is supplied, this value will be defaulted. FTE from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is a mandatory numeric field. ;[Work Calendar Override (IEAS)|WORK_CALENDAR_CODE]:When an employee work rule is defaulted from the position, job, group or department, the calendar that the work rule uses may be overridden through this field. Work_Calendar_Code from [IDWC] ([P2K_CM_WORK_CALENDARS]) is a 16 character alphanumeric code you may manually enter or select a value from the LOV provided. ;[Hours Per Day (IEAS)|HOURS_PER_DAY]:This field shows the average daily hours, inherited from Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and may be overridden at the employee level. Hours_Per_Day from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional numeric field. ;[Hours Per Wk (IEAS)|HOURS_PER_WEEK]:This field shows the average weekly hours, inherited from Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and may be overridden at the employee level. Hours_Per_Week from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional numeric field. ;[Hours Per Pay (IEAS)|HOURS_PER_PAY]:This field shows the average hours in a pay period, inherited from Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and may be overridden at the employee level. Hours_Per_Pay from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional numeric field. !Compensation ;[Range (IEAS)|RANGE_CODE]:Salary range provides minimum and maximum guidelines for the salary payable for the job, with which an employee's salary may be compared. This range is inherited from the position or job, however, it may be overridden. Range_Code from [ISSR] ([P2K_SA_SALARY_RANGES]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Scale|SCALE_CODE][Step (IEAS)|STEP_CODE]:This field displays the scale/step code used to default to an employee's assignment record. Scale_Code and Step_Code from [ISWS] ([P2K_SA_WAGE_SCALES]) and ([P2K_SA_WAGE_SCALE_STEPS]) is a combined 16-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Rate Basis (IEAS)|RATE_BASIS]:The rate basis is the unit of measure in which associate rate is being stored or displayed (i.e.hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly or annually). Rate_Basis from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is a mandatory fixed lexicon (X_RATE_BASIS). ;[Fulltime Wage (IEAS)|USE_FTE_WAGES]:If the FTE indicated is less than 1.00, this toggle will indicate whether the displayed salary or wage is the full time equivalent amount. Suppose an employee has an FTE of 0.5 and the wage rate indicated is $4,000. If the toggle is OFF, this means that the employee will actually receive the full $4,000. If the toggle is turned ON, the displayed salary or wage is the 1.00 Full Time Equivalent amount. This means that in this case, where the FTE is 0.5, the employee will receive $2,000. Use_FTE_Wages from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional toggle field that may be manually entered ;[Scale Overriden (IEAS)|SCALE_OVERRIDEN]:If the Scale Override toggle is ON, the displayed wage rate has been keyed manually and it is different from the rate on the wage scale table. If the Scale Override toggle is OFF, either the wage rate has been derived from the wage scale table or wage scale tables are not being used. This toggle is automatically turned on when the salary is overridden from the salary provided by the scale/step code selected. To reset this toggle, re-enter the wage rate to be the same as the scale rate. Scale_Overriden from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional toggle field. ;[Out Of Range (IEAS)|OUT_OF_RANGE]:If the Out Of Range toggle is ON, the displayed wage is outside of the minimum and maximum values for the salary range. If the Out Of Range toggle is OFF, either the wage is within the range, or there is no range for this job. This toggle is automatically turned on when the salary is outside the minimum/maximum range on the Salary Range. To reset this toggle, re-enter the wage rate to be within the salary range selected. Out_Of_Range from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional toggle field. \\ ---- !!Establish Personnel Profiles (IEHR) - Location !Location ;[Auth Area (IEAS)|AUTHORIZATION_CODE]:This field shows the authorized area to which this employee is assigned. Only users with access to this authorization area will be able to see the employee's records. The auth area is inherited from the position, but may be overridden. This value is defaulted from position, if supplied, or department. Authorization_Code from [IDAA] ([P2K_CM_AUTHORIZATION_AREAS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Works In Location (IEAS)|LOCATION_CODE]:This field indicates the work location in which the employee may normally be found, or where their primary duties are performed. This field is inherited from the department, but may be overridden. If position is supplied, this value will be defaulted. Location_Code from [IDLN] ([P2K_CM_LOCATIONS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Jurisdiction Code (IEAS)|GEO_CODE]:This field holds the assignment’s work tax jurisdiction. If position is supplied, this value will be defaulted. The list of values is restricted to jurisdictions within the state identified by the "Works In" location. Geo_Code from [IDTX] ([P2K_CM_TAX_JURISDICTIONS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Send Pays To (IEAS)|LOCATION_CODE]:This field indicates the location where an employee's pay checks or deposit slips should be sent. Location_Code from [IDLN] ([P2K_CM_LOCATIONS]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Phone # (IEAS)|PHONE_NUMBER]:This field holds the normal work phone number where the employee may be contacted. 3144662421 will be formatted to (314) 466-2421. Phone_Number from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is a 20-character optional alphanumeric field that may be manually entered or will default once ‘Works In’ location is entered. ;[Phone Ext. (IEAS)|PHONE_EXTENSION]:This field holds the normal work phone extension where the employee may be contacted. Phone_Extension from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is a 16-character optional alphanumeric field that may be manually entered or will default once ‘Works In’ location is entered. ;[E-Mail (IEAS)|EMAIL_ADDRESS]:This field displays the employee's work email address, inherited from the locations, but may be overridden. Email_Address from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is a 50-character optional alphanumeric field. !Service ;[Supervised By (IEAS)|PERSON_CODE]:This is the person code of the employee who supervises the employee when they are working in the assignment. This field is derived from either the incumbent of the position to which this position reports (if available) or from the department manager. The value, however, but may be overridden. Person_Code from [IDEN] ([P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]) is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field. You may manually enter the manager’s person code or retrieve from the LOV (F9). ;[Responsibility Level (IEAS)|RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL]:Responsibility level is a security feature used to control access to an employee's information. Only a user whose responsibility access matches or is higher than the responsibility level on the employee's assignment will be able to access that employee. This value is inherited from the position, however, it may be overridden. If position is supplied, this value will be defaulted. The hierarchy of the responsibility levels is based on the saved value in the lexicon [(X_RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL)]. Responsibility_Level from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is a fixed lexicon [(X_RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL]) which you may use to select a value. ;[Service Rating (IEAS)|SERVICE_RATING]:This field indicates that an employee is on a probationary status either for service or seniority purposes. Service_Rating from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional fixed lexicon [(X_SERVICE_RATING)] you may use to look up the value. ;[Job Seniority Date (IEAS)|JOB_SENIORITY_DATE]:The job seniority date is used to track a seniority date that is related to a specific assignment, position, department or job. Job_Seniority_Date from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional date you may either manually enter or fill with a selection from the calendar (F9) provided. \\ ---- !!Establish Personnel Profiles (IEHR) - Contracts ;[Contract Days (IEAS)|CONTRACT_DAYS]: For contract assignment only: This field displays the number of days in the contract. Contract_Days from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional numeric field. ;[Contract Limit (IEAS)|CONTRACT_LIMIT]:For contract assignment only: This field displays the wage limit for the contract period. Contract_Limit from [IEAS] ([P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS]) is an optional numeric field. ;[Periods Elected (IEAS)|PERIODS_ELECTED]:For contract assignment only: This field displays the number of pay periods that the wage is to be paid over for the contract period. Periods_Elected is an optional numeric field. ;[Start Date of Pay (IEAS)|PAY_STARTING_DATE]:For contract assignment only: This field displays the date upon which the employee is to begin being paid. This may be different than the hire date. Pay_Starting_Date is an optional date field. ;[Contract Rate (IEAS)|]:Based on the contract information, the scale rate may be converted to a contract rate. For example: The scale may be $120 per day, however, based on the contract length and pay periods the contract rate may work out to $119.42.