Maintain Employment Records #

The Maintain Employment Record (IEEI) form defines the employment relationship an employee has with the organization and contains the information associated with that employment agreement: hire date, basic service dates and termination details.

An employee must have at least one employment record which is created automatically by either the Establish Personal Profiles (IEHR) or Quick Hire (IEQH) form. When an employee is terminated, the employment record is considered closed. If they are rehired in the same type of relationship, a new employment record is created with a different hire date.

An employee will have more than one employment record if they have other relationships with the organization, either past or present.

For example, an employee takes an early retirement package from the organization, and becomes a retiree entitled to a pension and certain benefits coverage. Five years later, the retiree returns to the organization as an independent consultant hired on a contract. This employee would have three employment type records: a closed employee record, an active retiree record and an active contractor record.

For each period of employment an employee has, there may be a separate employment record. If an employee is hired, terminated and later rehired, you may create one employment record for the first period of employment and one employment record for the second period.

Each employment record is tied to its own set of employment related data such as the associated assignments and pay history. A new period of employment cannot be within a previous employment period if it is of the same employment type. Hiring is done through Establish Personnel Profiles (IEHR) form, as describe earlier in this workbook.

For Canadian installations only: Each employment record corresponds to a period of employment used for ROE reporting purposes.

Employment data is stored in the P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS table.

This field is the entity in which the employee is or was employed. Entity_Code from IDEN (P2K_CM_ENTITIES) is entered on either the IEHR or IEQH form and cannot be changed directly on this screen.
Employment Type
Describes the type of relationship which the employee has with the organization. When an employee is hired, their employment type will be inherited from the group, but you may override the data through the IEHR form. This employment type will be displayed on the id line of all of the employee-related forms. This field is derived from the Employment Type entered on the Group (IDGR) record. It may be overridden on IEHR at the point of hire, but may not be changed at any other point, after the record is saved. Employment_Type is derived from the IEHR form and cannot be changed directly on this screen.
Hire Date
The hire date is the date that the employment agreement or period of employment commences. This field may not be changed directly. Changes in the hire date can be performed through the ‘Adjust Hire Date button’. Pressing ‘OK’ on the dialog box, will commit the changes you have made.
Termination Date
This field shows the last day of the employee’s relationship with the organization. Termination_Date is derived from the IETR form and cannot be changed directly on this screen.
Termination Reason
User-defined termination code that identifies the reason for the termination. Termination_Code is derived from the IETR form and cannot be changed directly on this screen.
Adjust Hire Date
Pressing this button will bring up a dialog box that will allow you to change the hire date on this employment record.
Adjust Termination
Pressing this button will bring up a dialog box that will allow you to change the termination date and reason on this employment record.

Service #

Hiring Sequence
When more than one employee is hired on the same date, it may be necessary to assign a sequential number to each employee for seniority purposes. Hire_Sequence is an optional numeric field that may be completed manually.
Original Hire Date
The earliest date an employee ever worked for this or any related organization. An employee may have more than one period of employment with the organization if they are terminated and rehired, or if they are laid off and later recalled. An employee may become an employee through their organization being acquired, merged or taken over, or they may have some previous service with an organization, which becomes affiliated with their current employer. In this case, their original hire date may be earlier than the hire date that is being used for their current employment agreement. Original_Hire_Date is a mandatory date you must manually enter or use the calendar (F9) for any date changes that may occur.
Seniority Date
This date is used to calculate the length of service for seniority purposes, and/or benefit and leave entitlements, and pension calculations. This date may be adjusted up or down for breaks in service, changes in employment status or hours worked, layoffs and recalls, or as a result of organization changes (i.e. mergers, acquisitions, takeovers or associations) where an employee is granted credit for past service with another organization. Seniority_Date is a mandatory date you must manually enter or use the calendar (F9) for any date changes that may occur.
First Work Date
The date an employee first performs duties and/or attends the work place for the current period of employment. First work date will automatically be set at the time an employee's first pay is closed. The date will be set to the later of the Hire Date or first day of the first pay period. This field may be over-ridden after the pay has been closed. First_Work_Date is an optional date which may be system derived. You may manually enter or use the calendar (F9) for any date changes that may occur.
Last Work Date
The date an employee last performs duties and/or attends the work place for the current period of employment. Last work date will automatically be set at the time an employee's pay is closed. The date will be set to the earlier of the last pay transaction date or the pay period end date. This field Last_Day_Worked is an optional date which may be system derived. You may manually enter or use the calendar (F9) for any date changes that may occur.
Income Guarantee
This field shows the percentage of disposable income that is guaranteed to an employee. Income_Guarantee is a 5-character optional alphanumeric field.
ACA Stability Date
-A date will be added to ACA Stability Date field on IEEI only when the ACA Category in IBACA is using the Look Back method.
- The ACA Stability Date is derived by UBACA and inserted into this field.
- It is the start date of the Stability Period which will extend forward for the number of months indicated in IBACA.
- During this period UBACA will not recalculate hours worked or a wage rate to determine if the employee is FT or PT or whether the medical coverage is Affordable.
- The employees ACA status is fixed as of this date and will extend to the end of the Stability Period when a new measurement period will determine the next stability date and ACA status.
- During a new employees UBACA processing, there will be no stability date entered until the last month of the Look Back period has been reached.
- Newly hired and terminated employees will have to be reviewed and modified as needed in IBACAE once UBACA is ran for all employees for all months of the reporting year

Override User Profile
If this field is populated, on login to SelfService it will override the user profile defined on IEID. In order for the override user profile function to work properly, the IEMSS-Employment Selection function has to be enabled (rights can be granted via IMER).  Once the SelfService user authenticates, they are able to switch between employments and the user profile tied to that employment should come into effect.

Termination #

Rehire Status
This field indicates whether a terminated or laid off employee would be rehired or recalled. Rehire_Status is an optional fixed lexicon (X_REHIRE_STATUS) you may use to look up the value.
Expected Return
This date is used with the rehire status to indicate the expected date of a future rehire. For Canadian installations: This date is used on the Record of Employment (ROE) when an employee is laid off, in conjunction with the Date Expected Back field to indicate an intention to recall them. Expected_Return_Date is an optional date you must manually enter or use the calendar (F9) for any date changes that may occur.

The following ‘Record of Employment’ (ROE) fields are for Canadian installations only.

ROE Status
This field indicates whether an ROE (or a duplicate) is required, requested or issued. ROE _Status is an optional fixed lexicon (X_ROE_STATUS) updated either by the system or the user.
ROE Issued
This field shows the date the ROE was issued or re-issued. ROE_Issued_Date is an optional date updated by the ROE process that you may fill manually.
ROE Comments
Any text entered here will be placed in the comments section of the ROE report. ROE_Comments is an optional alphanumeric field updated by the ROE process.
ROE Letter
This field indicates the ROE letter provided by the Government of Canada that will be used for the ROE based on the termination reason. ROE _Letter is an optional fixed lexicon (X_ROE_LETTER) updated by the system.

Notes #

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