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Time codes are easy to use data entry codes chosen by the user that link the front end Transaction Entry (IPTR), Attendance Control (IAAL) and Time Scheduling (IPTS) applications with the Payroll application.

The Define Time Codes (IDTC) function is used to define and maintain time codes.

You must create a LWOP (Leave without pay) time code PRIOR to setting up any leave policies on IALP. However, when creating the LWOP time code do NOT indicate the Leave Type until AFTER you have established the LWOP policy.

It is valid to have more than one Time Code per Leave Type. The Time Codes for Bereavement Leave, Jury Duty, etc. may all apply to the Leave Type of Personal.

Time Codes data is maintained on the P2K_CM_TIME_CODES table.

Time Code
This field holds a user-defined time code that uniquely identifies a type of time.
This is an abbreviation or short code for the type of time.
This field provides a short description of the time code defined.
Time Type
This field is used to identify the type of time that this time code will store. Some options include, Regular, Premium, Leave, Leave Entitlement.
Leave Type
This is a user-defined code to indicate the leave type. This code was previously defined through the Leave Policy Types (IAPT) form.
Alternate TC
Alternate Time Code is used by the payroll system to offer options during data entry of transactions (through IPTR) or through the generation of holidays (using the UPTG function). Transactions generated in IPTR may have "Alternate Time Code" toggled on which will result in this alternate time code being used when the transactions are taken to the Pay Headers/Pay Lines using UPTR. Holidays are normally generated using the time code specified on the Holiday Calendar (IDHC) screen. If the holiday calendar is set to be observed on the Holiday Date, and the day would normally be a day off for the employee (according to their schedule), this Alternate Time Code could be used to generate the time to a different time code.
PC Code
User-defined code that identifies a pay component. If a Pay Transaction is to be recorded as a leave line then the connection between Attendance and Payroll must begin here.
Time Basis
This field indicates the basis for the time type indicated.
Adjust Scheduled Time
If this toggle is ON, then any time entered in this time code will reduce any generated time for an employee in the Transaction Entry (IPTR) form. (i.e. Vacation, Sick, etc. should reduce the Regular Time generated for the employee for the same time frame)

If this toggle is OFF, any time entered in this time code will be in addition to the regularly scheduled time. (i.e. Overtime should be in addition to the employee’s regular time)

External Integration#

This section of the form is used by third party software which integrates with the application.
Job Object
This field indicates the last four characters of the GL charge code. The system will retrieve the Job Object and will append it to the Work Order.
Work Order Required
This field lets you indicate if a work order is mandatory for the time code. The system will validate the data against the external system.
Equipment Required
This toggle indicates if Equipment must be specified on the transaction/time sheet entry for the time code. The system will validate the Equipment entry against Cayenta, this is controlled by a site preference called ‘EQUIPMENT’ having a value of ‘CAYENTA’.
External Validation Allowed
This toggle indicates if the time code should be included in the external validation.
Bypassed by UPTR
This toggle indicates transactions/time entries with the time codes should be bypassed from processing by the UPTR, UPCTSP and by the UPEQ.