!!!Define Occupation Codes
Occupation Codes may be used to allow the tracking and reporting to internal or external sources for your
organization’s classifications of jobs.\\
Occupations codes are also known as the NOC or SOC codes.\\
The first four digits identify the country, and the Occupation Group as identified by Statistics Canada. \\
The last four digits identify the NOC Code. NOC Code is "National Occupational Classification", a classification system derived by the Human Resources Development Canada and Statistics Canada·These classifications are used in Canadian Federal government reporting.\\ 
SOC Code is the "Standard Occupational Classification" code, a classification system derived by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.\\
These classifications are used in US Federal government reporting.\\
!‘Define Occupation Codes’ Usage and Examples \\

Occupation Codes are stored in the [P2K_CM_OCCUPATIONS] table.
;[Occupation|OCCUPATION_CODE]:This field holds the user-defined numeric code that uniquely identifies the occupation being defined. Occupation_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field holds the description of the occupation. Description is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field.
;[Occupation Group|OCCUPATION_GROUP]:This field allows you to classify the group into a specific groups. Occupation_Group is mandatory fixed lexicon ([X_OCCUPATION_GROUP]).
;[Legislation|LEGISLATION]:This code indicates the primary country whose legislation governs the organization. Legislation is a mandatory fixed lexicon ([X_LEGISLATION]).