The Define Interface Formats (IDIF) screen allows you to define the interface formats. The header section of the form identifies the interface being defined. The detail section outlines each record and field, and transformations to be performed.

;[Code|INTERFACE_CODE]:This field identifies the name of the interface. The Interface Code is a 16-character mandatory field.
;[Interface Type|INTERFACE_TYPE]:This field identifies the program to be executed and restricts the variables that are available. The field is tied to the [X_INTERFACE_TYPE] fixed lexicon.
;:G/L Interface - UPGLF
;:Bank Deposit - UPDTB
;:Cost Interface - UPGLF (2nd file)
;:Savings Bond - UBBD
;:Disbursement File - UPDIF
;:New Hire Interface - UENH
;:AP Interface - UPVEND
;:Pay History Interface - UPPHF
;:EEM/EAS Interface - UEEF
;[File Format|FIELD_DELIMITER]:This field identifies how the data is going to be created. e.g.fixed position, comma or tab delimited, XML. This field is tied to the fixed lexicon [X_FIELD_DELIMITER].
;[Form Type|FORM_TYPE]:This field is typically used for legislation type interfaces such as UPROEF. This field is tied to the fixed lexicon [X_FORM_TYPE].
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a brief description of the purpose of the interface. The Description field is an optional field which may hold up to 50 characters. 
;[File Name|FILE_NAME]:This field specifies the default file name; otherwise the file name is entered on a parameter in the function. File Name is an optional 50 character field. 
;[File Creation Number|FILE_CREATION_NUMBER]:Some programs (mostly banking ones) use this number to uniquely identify the execution. File Creation Number is an optional 10 digit numeric field. 
;[Taxation Level|TAXATION_LEVEL]:This field is used for year end and quarterly reporting by functions such as [RPYEC] and [RPYEU]. The field is tied to the fixed lexicon [X_TAXATION_LEVEL].