[{TableOfContents }]

The Define General Ledger Funds (IDGF) allows you to define and maintain G/L funds within the system.

General Ledger Fund data is stored in the [P2K_CM_GL_FUNDS], [P2K_CM_GL_FUND_DETAILS], [P2K_CM_GL_FUND_ELEMENTS] and [P2K_PR_GL_FUND_HEADERS] tables. 

;[G/L Fund|GL_FUND_CODE]:This field provides the name of the G/L fund being defined.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:A short description of the G/L fund is provided in this field.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:The entity associated with the G/L fund is defined here.
;[Dept|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:The department associated with the G/L fund is defined here.
;[Distribution Mask|DISTRIBUTION_MASK]:This field holds the distribution code or distribution mask associated with this GL account. 
;[G/L Seq #|GL_SEGMENT_NUMBER]:This field defines the sequential order of the validation units. 
;[Start Date|START_DATE]/[End Date|END_DATE]:If the G/L fund is for a specific time frame, the start and end dates are listed in these fields.
;[Program Code|PROGRAM_CODE]:If G/L fund is for a specific program, that program is indicated in this field.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:A short description of the program is provided in this field.
!!Definition tab
;[Fund Type|FUND_TYPE]:This field identifies the type of fund being defined.
;[Grant Code|GRANT_CODE]:If the fund type is a grant, the associated grant is defined.
;[Grant Type|GRANT_TYPE]:The type of grant is defined in this field.
;[Calc Method|FUND_CALC_METHOD]:This field dictates how the fund will be calculated.
;[Activity Code|ACTIVITY_CODE]:The activity associated with this fund will be listed in this field.
;[Account Manager|ACCOUNT_MANAGER]:The individual responsible for this account is listed in this field.
;[Responsible Person|RESPONSIBLE_PERSON]:
;[User Calc|USER_CALC_CODE]:
;[Fund Given|FUND_GIVEN]:
;[Fund Actual|FUND_ACTUAL]:
;[Fund Balance|FUND_BALANCE]:
;[Evaluation Date|LAST_EVAL_DATE]:This field provides the last date this fund was evaluated.
;[Balance to Complete|BALANCE_TO_COMPLETE]:
;[Balance Sent to Date|BALANCE_SENT_TODATE]:
!!Elements tab
;[Fund Element Type|FUND_ELEMENT_TYPE]:
!!Assignments tab
;[Emp Dept|]:
;[Entity Paid $|ENTITY_PAID_SALARY]:
;[Actual Exp|]:
;[Start Date|START_DATE]:
;[End Date|END_DATE]:
;[Dist %|SPLIT_PERCENT]:If the split rule is ‘by percent’ then the percent will appear in this field. 
;[User %|USER_PERCENT]:If ‘Split By Percent’ has been selected as the split rule, then the user percentage will be displayed in this field. 
;[Employment Status|]:
;[Eval Date|LAST_EVAL_DATE]:This field provides the last date teh 
;[Last Pay #|LAST_PAY_NUMBER]:
;[Assignment as of|]:


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