The Define Legislative Form Variables (IDFDV) form is used to... 

The definition data for the Define Legislative Form Variables screen is stored in the [P2K_CM_FORM_DEFINITIONS] and [P2K_CM_FORM_VARIABLES] tables.

;[Seq #|FIELD_SEQUENCE]:The sequential order of the variable is defined in this field. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]: A short description of the variable is provided here.
;[Level|FIELD_LEVEL]:  The field level (e.g. employee, employer, federal, etc.) is identified here.
;[Field Variable|FIELD_VARIABLE]: 
;[Copy Form Definition|]:This button allows you to copy the form.
;[Field Usage|FIELD_USAGE]:This field determines the field usage (e.g. file only, form only, internal, etc.)
;[Text|REFERENCE_TEXT]: This field is available for additional notes.  
;[Derivation Expression|DERIVATION_EXPRESSION]: This field allows you to add programming code for additional computation of the data within the record.


[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

[{InsertPage page='Internal.IDFDV' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] 	
