!!!'Employment Status' The Employment Status describes the employee’s employment standing withing the organization (i.e. active, terminated, leave with pay, leave without pay, etc.) and is coded on the assignment record.\\ \\ By changing an employee’s employment status, the work and pay rules can be changed automatically.\\ \\ The status rules are defined for each group code and determine the processing rules that apply for each employment status. \\ \\ On Group Form (IDGR) Work Rules tab, you can define the Initial Hiring Employment status when employee is hired and the Ending Employment status when employee is terminated. The employment status can then be defined or overridden by the assignment on the IEAS form.\\ \\ A starter script is provided to load in some basic employment statuses. While a user MAY NOT delete any of the supplied supplied, they are free to add as many new codes as required.\\ \\ !‘Define Employment Statuses’ Usage and Examples\\ Employment Status Codes are stored in the [IMPD] [P2K_CM_EMPLOYMENT_STATUSES] table. ;[Employment Status]:This field is the code that describes the employment standing with the organization. Status_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field. ;[Description]: This field is the description of the code. Description is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field. ;[Status Type]: McKessonHigh Line defined generic statuses allowing the employment status to be user-defined. Any special processing logic for the employment status is programmed internally by this status type. Status_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon [(X_STATUS_TYPE)].