[{TableOfContents }] 

Departments divide the organization into manageable areas, defining the organization structure from a human resources management point of view.

This section explains the Define Departments (IDDP) screen and its associated fields.

Departments do not dictate payroll general ledger distribution.

Departments are usually a combination of functional areas of the organization such as sales, marketing and accounting; cost centers such as stores, warehouses, theaters, branches and offices; and production lines or product related processes such as forming, molding, finishing, and quality assurance. They are the lowest levels of standard report totals. A supervisor or manager is typically assigned at this level. Positions and employees report to a department.

Department codes do not require a hierarchical coding structure for reporting; the organization levels are used for this purpose.

Department codes must be unique within an entity. This entity is the organization to which they are accountable for operational management purposes. Departments may be associated with  second entity for legal reasons. The second connection enables a department to be the
responsibility of a different entity for external government reporting purposes while still being part of the organization structure of the original entity.

Department details are date sensitive. This means that changes to information such as the department manager or the physical locations of the department may be tracked over time and a complete history of the department can be retained. Codes or names may be changed at any time and the effects of the change will be seen immediately wherever that department is used. A department code may be frozen to ensure the department is no longer used, while it still remains in the historical records of the organization for inquiry purposes.

When defining departments, High Line recommends you do not build any hierarchical meaning into the department codes. They should simply reflect the function of that area of the organization and not the division or reporting structure above them. This makes departments easier to manage and reduces the maintenance required should an organization restructuring take place.

‘Define Departments’ Usage and Examples

Department data is stored in the [P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS] and [P2K_CM_DEPARTMENT_DETAILS] tables.
;[Department | DEPARTMENT_CODE]:The department code is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies an area of the organization.
Department_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field.
;[Generic Code | GENERIC_CODE]:
;[Standing | STANDING]:‘Standing’ is used to indicate whether the record is active, frozen or obsolete. Active will default
Standing is an optional [fixed lexicon|FIXED LEXICON] (X_STANDING) you may use to look up the value.
;[Operational Entity | ENTITY_CODE]:This field holds the entity to which the department reports to for operational reasons.
;[Legal Entity | ENTITY_CODE]:This field displays the entity to which the department legally belongs. The legal entity is set up when the department is newly added. Legal Entity cannot be changed once the department is added into the system.
;[Change Reason | CHANGE_CODE]:This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.

%%information This function is [date sensitive|DATE SENSITIVE] and changes made in these areas below the [date navigator|DATE SENSITIVE NAVIGATOR] may be split with a new effective date.%%

[{Image src='IDDP_DEFINITION.JPG' width='360' align='right' link='attach/IDDP/IDDP_DEFINITION.JPG'}]
!!Define Departments (IDDP) - Definition 
;[Department Name | DEPARTMENT_NAME]:This field describes the department in relation to the organization.
;[Office Code | OFFICE_CODE]:This field describes the Office Code for the department.
;[EEOC Function | EEOC_FUNCTION]:For U.S. installations only: This field displays the Employment Equity Occupational Codes (EEOC) function.
EEOC_Function is an optional [fixed lexicon|FIXED LEXICON|FIXED LEXICON] ([X_EEOC_FUNCTION]) you may use to look up the value.
;[Industry | INDUSTRY_CODE]:This field holds the user-defined industry codes. Although High Line will provide some of the codes, additional codes may have to be set up by the user, as described earlier in this workbook. This field may need to be completed after the industry codes have been set up.
;[Dept. Supervisor |PERSON_CODE]:This is the person code of the employee who manages the department. This field may be completed after employees have been entered into the system.
;[Supervisory Position | POSITION_CODE]:This is the position code of the manager position within the department. This field may be completed after the positions have been created.

;[Distribution | DISTRIBUTION_MASK]:This is the edit mask for the distribution code that provides a default value which overlays the distribution code on the position and assignment records. You would normally enter the segments of the distribution for the wages associated with the department and enter the value ‘?’ for the other segments. See the section on ‘[Distribution Defaulting Logic|DISTRIBUTION DEFAULTING LOGIC]’ for more detail. \\The information displayed in the Distribution Editor screen is based on the set up in the G/L Segments ([IDGS]) form. \\If, on the [IDGS] form, the segment values are completed for a segment and the ‘Must Validate’ toggle is on, then an LOV will be provided on the Distribution Editor for that segment. \\As each segment is chosen the segments will be concatenated in a display at the bottom of the form. \\When you are satisfied with the distribution code created, you may choose ‘Return Code’. This will take the full or partial distribution and place it back on the previous form in the Distribution field.  \\If you do not want the newly created distribution code returned to the previous form then you may choose ‘Cancel Edit’.
;[Burden Method | BURDEN_METHOD]:‘Burden Method’ is used to indicate the method used for the burden calculation in the Labour GL process of the Payroll module. Burden Method is an optional [fixed lexicon|FIXED LEXICON] ([X_BURDEN_METHOD]) you may use to look up the value.
;[Burden Percent / Rate | BURDEN_PERCENT]:This field displays the burden percentage or rate accounted for this department. If the Burden Method is ‘Percentage Method’, then this field should specify a percentage, if the Burden Method is ‘Hourly Rate’, then this field should specify a rate.
;:For more information on Burden see the [ALLOCATION] page. 

;[Parent Dept | PARENT_DEPT]:This field describes the department in relation to other departments in the organization. This field is for documentation purposes only and the information displayed will not be used for processing.
;[Work Rule | WORK_RULE_CODE]:Work rules are used to determine standard processing information required to create pay headers and transactions for an employee. Work Rule is the default for employees occupying positions in that department. 
;[Auth Area | AUTHORIZATION_CODE]:The authorization code is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the authorized area within the organization. Authorization area is the default area for employees occupying positions in that department. ''If your implementation includes the Payroll application, the authorization area on the department definition must be completed.''
;[Batch Code | BATCH_CODE]:The batch code (if entered) may be used with the various time generation programs (Generate Pay Transaction - UPTG). This program typically is used to create pay transactions for groups of employees and is often set to batch by department. Batch code will be used to allow a group of departments to be created into one batch, rather than created as separate batches. The same batch code may be repeated in numerous department records to group departments for payroll purposes. 
;[Phone # | PHONE_NUMBER]:This is the main phone number of the department. The format of the phone number will be determined by the associated Country code. 3144662421 will format to (314) 466-2421
;[Phone Extn. | PHONE_EXTENSION]:This is the main phone extension for the department.
;[Fax # | FAX_NUMBER]:This field holds the fax number of the department. 3144660000 will format to (314) 466-0000
;[Email | EMAIL_ADDRESS]:This field displays the email address or domain name of the department.

[{Image src='IDDP_LOCATION.JPG' width='360' align='right' link='attach/IDDP/IDDP_LOCATION.JPG'}]
!!Define Departments (IDDP) - Location
!Located In
;[Location | LOCATION_CODE]:This is the physical location of the department within the entity.
;[Address 1 | ADDRESS_LINE_1]:‘Address 1’ is the street address of the location.
;[Address 2 | ADDRESS_LINE_2]:‘Address 2’ holds the PO Box number or suite number address for the location.
;[City | LOCALITY]:This field provides the city, district or township address for the location.
;[State/Prov | STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field holds the state or province address of the location.
;[Zip/Postal | ZIP_POSTAL]:This field will display the mailing code. The formatting (either Zip or Postal) will be determined by the associated Country code.
''U.S.A.: Zip Code 55426 Canada: Postal Code M1M 1M1''
!Pay Destination
;[Location | LOCATION_CODE]:This location is used to aid in the sorting of pay checks or deposit slips.
;[Address 1 | ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field holds the street address.
;[Address 2 | ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field holds the PO Box number or suite number address.
;[City | LOCALITY]:This field provides the city, district or township address.
;[State/Prov | STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This is the state or province address.
;[Zip/Postal | ZIP_POSTAL]:This field will display the mailing code. The formatting (either Zip or Postal) will be determined by the associated Country code. 
''U.S.A.: Zip Code 55426 Canada: Postal Code M1M 1M1''


!!Define Departments (IDDP) - Positions 
The Positions tab allows you to view all of the positions connected to this department. The position code will be displayed.

This tab will display the positions currently associated with the department according to the system ‘as of’ date.
%%warning This tab is for viewing purposes only; you may not edit the data.%%