This section describes the Maintain Class Registrations (ICRSE) screen and its associated fields.

For more information on Class Registrations see the page Class Registration Improvements.
The definition data for the Maintain Class Registration is maintained on the P2K_CP_CLASS_REGISTRATIONS table.

Class Information#

Class Title
This field displays the name of the class being registered for. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
Enrollment Start
This field shows the first date of enrollment for this class. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form
Enrollment End
This field shows the last date of the enrollment for this class. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form
This field displays the location where the class will be held. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
Class Start
This field shows the starting date for this class. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
Class End
This field shows the ending date for this class. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
Maximum Size
This field indicates the maximum number of registrants this class can hold. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
Total # Registrants
This is a derived field which indicates how many registrants there are in total, regardless of their status.
# Enrolled
This is a derived field which indicates how many Candidates have been enrolled in the class.
# Waiting
This is a derived field which indicates the number of Candidates whose enrollment status is Wait Listed.
# Available
This is s derived field which indicates how many spaces are available in the class, if it is not Full.

Registration Information#

This field displays the date and time the Candidate requested enrollment in the class. This may be used to determine which wait listed Candidate is enrolled in a class when an opening occurs.
This field displays the candidate code for this registrant.
This field indicates the status of the registrant.
This field allows an Administrator to enter a numeric value assigning the Candidate a Wait List Priority. This field would only be used if a class enables a wait list via the Class Enrollment Options field in ICRSC. If the option is 'Auto Enroll, Allow Wait List', and this field is populated the system will automatically enroll the highest priority Candidate whose status is Wait Listed when an opening occurs for the class. If no priority is given, the system will enroll the Candidate with the earliest Date and Time as specified in the Date / Time field.
Final Grade
This field shows the final grade the registrant received. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
Filter By
This will allow the user to filter the Registrants based on their status. The filter options available are Approved, Enrolled, Requested and Wait Listed.


First Name
This field shows the first name of the registrant. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
Last Name
This field shows the last name of the registrant. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
This field shows the phone number for the registrant. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
This field shows the phone extension of the registrant, if applicable. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
This field shows the email of the registrant, if applicable. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
Registrant #
This field displays the registrant number for this particular individual. Registration_Number is an optional 30-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually.
Fee Schedule
This field shows the fee schedule that the registrant is using. This screen is for viewing only; it may not be altered here. The data will default in from the ICRS form.
This field provides a description of the registration. For instance if the candidate does not meet the course requirements, a message may be displayed here.

Notes #

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