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[Profiles|PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROFILES] are established and maintained on the Maintain Personal Development Profile (ICPD) form.
Maintain Personal Development Profiles data is maintained on the [P2K_RE_CANDIDATES], [P2K_CP_DEVELOPMENT_ACTIVITIES], [P2K_CP_CLASS_SCHEDULES], [P2K_CP_CAREER_OBJECTIVES], [P2K_RE_ASSESSMENT_EVENTS] tables.
!!Development Activity tab
;[Candidate #|CANDIDATE_CODE]:This field provides a code to identify the candidate. This field will automatically fill in if candidate sequencing has been defined in the Define Code Sequencing (IMCS) table. Candidates may be external to the company (i.e. job applicants) or internal (employees). 
;[Candidate|CANDIDATE_NAME]: The name of the individual who is seeking job opportunities or is participating in training and/or development activities.
;[Candidate Status|CANDIDATE_STATUS]:This field shows the status of the candidate. The information for this field is information only and will default in from the [IRCA] form once the candidate has been selected.
;[Seq|ACTIVITY_SEQUENCE]:This field identifies the sequential order of the development activity. 
;[Category|ACTIVITY_CATEGORY]:This field allows you to group the development activities. 
;[Status|ACTIVITY_STATUS]:This field indicates the status of the development activity for the indicated employee. \\''e.g. Requested, Scheduled, On Hold''
;[Type|ACTIVITY_TYPE]:This field allows users to group the development activities into types. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The ‘Description’ field provides a short description of the development activity being defined.
;[Program|PROGRAM_CODE]:This field displays the name of the program. 
;[Program Step|PROGRAM_STEP]:If this activity is part of a program, this field will indicate the sequential step of that activity within the program. 
;[Course|COURSE_CODE]:This field provides the name of the course that is associated with this activity. 
;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]:This field displays the name of the assessment used for grading this activity. 
;[Starting|ACTIVITY_START_DATE]:This field displays the start date of the activity.
;[Ending|ACTIVITY_END_DATE]:This field displays the end date of the activity. 
;[Text|ACTIVITY_TEXT]:This field allows you to provide any additional information about the activity they may feel necessary. 
;[Duration|DURATION]:This field identifies the duration of the activity. 
;[Basis|DURATION_BASIS]:This field indicates the time basis for the duration given in the previous field. 
;[Budget Amount|BUDGET_AMOUNT]:This field provides the budget amount that has been allocated for this activity. 
;[Actual Amount|ACTUAL_AMOUNT]:This field provides the actual amount that was spent on this activity. 
;[Currency|CURRENCY]:This field indicates the currency that the amount traded in. 

!!Classes tab
Information for the Classes screen is maintained on the [P2K_CP_CLASS_SCHEDULES] table.
;[Class|CLASS_CODE]:This field provides the name of the class associated with this activity. 
;[Title|CLASS_TITLE]:This field displays the title of the class. 
;[End|CLASS_END_DATE]:This field indicates the last day of the class. 
;[Registration #|REGISTRATION_NUMBER]: This field provides the registration number assigned to the class. 
;[Registration Status|REGISTRATION_STATUS]:This field indicates the registration status of the employee for this class.
;[Fee Schedule|FEE_SCHEDULE]:This field displays the fee schedule for this course. 
;[Final Grade|FINAL_GRADE]:This field displays the final grade the employee achieved with this course. 
;[Text|REGISTRATION_TEXT]:This field allows you to provide any additional information about the class they may feel necessary. 
!!Objectives tab
Information for the Objectives screen is maintained on the [P2K_CP_CAREER_OBJECTIVES] table.
;[Seq #|OBJECTIVE_SEQUENCE]:This field identifies the sequential order in which the objectives should be met. 
;[Status|OBJECTIVE_STATUS]:This field displays the status of the objectives. 
;[Established|DATE_ESTABLISHED]:This field indicates when the objective was established.
;[Obtained|DATE_OBTAINED]:This field displays the date that the objective was obtained. 
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:The ‘Description’ field provides a short description of the objective. 
;[Objectives|OBJECTIVES]:This field allows you to input any additional information they may have about the objective. 
!!Assessments tab
Information for the Assessments screen is maintained on the [P2K_RE_ASSESSMENT_EVENTS] table.
;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]:This field identifies the assessment assigned to this activity.
;[Event Status|ASSESSMENT_EVENT_STATUS]:This field shows the status of the assessment event.
;[Date/Time|ASSESSMENT_DATE_TIME]:If the assessment is a one-time event, this field displays the date and time that the assessment is planned for.
;[Rating|ASSESSMENT_RATING]:This field displays the rating that the employee received for this assessment.
;[Points|ASSESSMENT_POINTS]:This field displays the points the employee received for this assessment.
;[Grade|FINAL_GRADE]:This field gives the grade the employee achieved with this assessment.
!!Reviews tab
;[Review #|REVIEW_NUMBER]:This field identifies the review with a unique number. 
;[Review Status|REVIEW_STATUS]:This field indicates the status of the review. 
;[Overall Rating|OVERALL_RATING]:This field displays the overall rating the employee received on this review. 
;[Points|OVERALL_POINTS]:This field displays the overall points the employee was awarded for this review. 
;[Review Method|REVIEW_METHOD]:This field indicates the method used to review the employee. 
;[Review Date|REVIEW_DATE]:This field provides the date the review will be conducted. 
;[Next Review Date|NEXT_REVIEW_DATE]:This field provides the date of the next scheduled review. 
;[Based on Prior Job|BASED_ON_PRIOR_JOB]:If the ‘Based on Prior Job’ toggle is on, this review has been based on a prior job the employee held.
;[Review Done By|REVIEW_DONE_BY]:This field provides the name of the individual who conducted the review. 
;[Review Comments|REVIEW_COMMENTS]:This field allows you to add any comments they wish about the review. 

!!Steps to using UCCS with ICPD

#Run [UCCS]
#* this will create the development activity on [ICDA]/ICPD
#Make no changes to the ICDA or ICPD "Activity" 
#Enroll the candidates into a class using the [ICRSE] or ICPD screen (classes tab) 
#The activity should now be linked to the class registration. 
#Use the status of the class registration to progress the development activity. 

[UCCS] will create development activities on ICDA and ICPD. If using the development activity as an indicator that the employee should be registered in a class then nothing should be changed on the development activity including "Approving" the activity. The ICRSE or ICPD "Classes" tab should be used to move the candidate through the development activity.

Failure to do so will result in duplicate development activities being created

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