[{TableOfContents }] !!!ESTABLISH DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS The Establish Development Programs (ICDP) form allows you enter [development programs|DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS] in the system. \\ \\ Definition data for the Establish Development Programs screen is maintained on the [P2K_CP_DEVELOPMENT_PROGRAMS], [P2K_CP_DEVELOPMENT_ACTIVITIES], and [P2K_CP_PROGRAM_STEPS] tables. \\ ;[Program|PROGRAM_CODE]:This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the program. Program_Code is a mandatory 16-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field displays the entity for which this program is being established for. Entity is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the LOV ([P2K_CM_ENTITIES]) provided. ;[Supplier|SUPPLIER_CODE]:This field displays the supplier of the [development program|DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS]. Supplier is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the LOV ([P2K_CP_TRAINING_SUPPLIERS]) provided. ;[Program Status|PROGRAM_STATUS]:This field identifies the current status of the program.Program_Status is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_PROGRAM_STATUS]) provided. ;[Program Type|PROGRAM_TYPE]:This field displays the type of program being established. Program_Type is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_PROGRAM_TYPE]) provided. ;[Program Title|PROGRAM_TITLE]:This field identifies the title of the [development program|DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS] being established. Program_Title is an optional 50-character numeric field you may fill manually. ;[Program Start Date|PROGRAM_START_DATE]:This field displays the date that the program will start. Program_Start_Date is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar. ;[Program End Date|PROGRAM_END_DATE]:This field displays the date the program will end. Program_End_Date is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar. ;[Competence Group|COMPETENCE_GROUP]:This field displays the competence group that is associated with the skills developed in this program. Competence_Group is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_COMPETENCE_GROUP]) provided. ;[Program Category|PROGRAM_CATEGORY]:This field identifies the category that this particular program belongs to. Program_Category is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_PROGRAM_CATEGORY]) provided. ;[Currency|CURRENCY]:This field identifies the currency used for the program budget. Currency is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_CURRENCY]) provided. ;[Program Budget|PROGRAM_BUDGET]:This field provides the amount of funds budgeted for this program. Program_Budget is an optional 18-character numeric field you may fill manually. ;[Sponsor|SPONSOR]:This field shows the name of the individual advocating this program. Sponsor is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. \\ ---- !!Details tab ;[Web Link|WEB_ADDRESS]:If the program supplier has a web site associated with this program, that site address may be entered here. Web_Link is an optional 200-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Audience|AUDIENCE]:This field identifies who would be the primary target audience for this program.\\''e.g. clerical staff, upper management, accounting staff''\\ \\Audience is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Completion Criteria|COMPLETION_CRITERIA]:This field identifies the ultimate goal or criteria to be reached at the completion of the program. Completion_Criteria is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field you may fill manually. ;[Font HTML|FONT_HTML]:This field defines the font HTML for the web component associated with this address. Font_HTML is an optional 2000-character numeric field you may fill manually. ;[Objectives|OBJECTIVES]:This field provides the objectives of this program, such as what skills should be attained. Objectives is an optional 9-character numeric field you may fill manually. ;[Prerequisites|PREREQUISITES]:This field indicates what prerequisites are needed for this program. Prerequisites is an optional 9-character numeric field you may fill manually. \\ ---- !!Steps tab Definition data for the ‘Steps’ screen is maintained on the [P2K_CP_PROGRAM_STEPS] table. ;[Seq #|PROGRAM_STEP_SEQUENCE]:This field displays the numerical order in which the step is to be taken. Program_Step_Sequence is a mandatory 5-character numerical field you must manually fill. ;[Activity Type|ACTIVITY_TYPE]:This field identifies the type of activity associated with this step. Activity_Type is an optional field that you must fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_ACTIVITY_TYPE]) provided. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the step. Description is an optional 50-character numeric field you may fill manually. ;[Required Rating|REQUIRED_RATING]:The field defines the rating required to complete this step in the program. Assessment_Rating is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_ASSESSMENT_RATING]) provided. ;[Mandatory|MANDATORY]:If this toggle is on, this is a mandatory step in the program. Mandatory is an optional toggle field. ;[Course|COURSE_CODE]:This field identifies the course associated with this step. Course is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the LOV ([P2K_CP_COURSES]) provided. ;[Assessment|ASSESSMENT_CODE]:This field identifies the assessment associated with this step. Assessment is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the LOV ([P2K_RE_ASSESSMENTS]) provided. ;[Subprogram|CDP_ID_TO_TAKE_A]:This field identifies any program that comprises a step in the larger development program. Subprogram is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the LOV ([P2K_CP_DEVELOPMENT_PROGRAMS]) provided. ;[Program Step Text|PROGRAM_STEP_TEXT]:This field allows you to add any additional information about the program step. Program_Title is an optional 50-character numeric field you may fill manually. \\ ---- !!Requires tab %%information Once the ‘Level’ field has been identified, the ‘Group’, ‘Category’, and ‘Competence’ fields will automatically be filled.%% \\ ;Competence Level:This field identifies the level of competence required for the program. Competence_Level is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the LOV ([P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_LEVELS]) provided. ;[Category|CATEGORY_CODE]:This field identifies the competency category associated with the identified level. ;[Group|COMPETENCE_GROUP]:This field identifies the competency group associated with the identified level. ;[Confirmation By|CONFIRMATION_BY]:This field identifies the individual who confirms the competency level attained. Confirmation_By is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field that you may fill manually. ;[Confirmation Status|CONFIRMATION_STATUS]:This field displays the confirmation status of the competency. Confirmed_Status is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_CONFIRMED_STATUS]) provided. ;[Date Confirmed|DATE_CONFIRMED]:This field displays the date the status was confirmed. Date_Confirmed is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar. ;[Start Date|START_DATE]:If the competency associated with this program is date sensitive, then the first date of that time frame is indicated in this field. Start_Date is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar. ;[End Date|END_DATE]:If the competency associated with this program is date sensitive, then the first date of that time frame is indicated in this field. End_Date is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar. \\ ---- !!Developing tab %%information Once the ‘Level’ field has been identified, the ‘Group’, ‘Category’, and ‘Competence’ fields will automatically be filled.%% \\ ;Competence Level:This field identifies the level of competence being developed for the program. Competence_Level is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the LOV ([P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_LEVELS]) provided. ;[Category|CATEGORY_CODE]:This field identifies the competency category associated with the identified level. ;[Group|COMPETENCE_GROUP]:This field identifies the competency group associated with the identified level. ;[Confirmation By|CONFIRMATION_BY]:This field identifies the individual who confirms the competency level attained. Confirmation_By is an optional 4000-character alphanumeric field that you may fill manually. ;[Confirmed Status|CONFIRMED_STATUS]:This field displays the confirmation status of the competency. Confirmed_Status is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_CONFIRMED_STATUS]) provided. ;[Date Confirmed|DATE_CONFIRMED]:This field displays the date the status was confirmed. Date_Confirmed is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar. ;[Start Date|START_DATE]:If the developing competency associated with this program is date sensitive, the first date of that time frame is displayed in this field. Start_Date is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar. ;[End Date|END_DATE]:If the developing competency associated with this program is date sensitive, the last date of that time frame is displayed in this field. End_Date is an optional field you may either manually enter or use the calendar. \\ ---- !!Activities tab %%information You may not edit any of the information directly from this screen.%% The data for the Activities screen will be drawn in from [P2K_CP_DEVELOPMENT_ACTIVITIES]. \\ ;[Candidate #|CANDIDATE_CODE]:This field displays the candidate code/person code of the candidate/employee who is scheduled for the activity. ;[Name|CANDIDATE_NAME]:This field provides the name of the candidate/employee. ;[Seq #|ACTIVITY_SEQUENCE]:This field identifies the sequential order of the development activity. ;[Status|ACTIVITY_STATUS]:This field identifies the status of the development activity. ;[Activity Category|ACTIVITY_CATEGORY]:This field allows you to group the activities into user-defined categories. ;[Type|ACTIVITY_TYPE]:This field allows you to group the activities into user-defined types. ;[Start Date|START_DATE] \ [End Date|END_DATE]:This fields display the start and end dates of the activity. \\ ---- !!Profiles tab If the [development program|DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS] is targeted for any specific [job profiles|JOB PROFILES], those [job profiles|JOB PROFILES] may be identified here. \\ ;[Job Profile|JOB_PROFILE_CODE]:This field will identify the [job profile|JOB PROFILES] associated with this program. Job_Profile is a mandatory field that you must fill with a value from the LOV ([P2K_RE_JOB_PROFILES]) provided. ;[Activity Type|ACTIVITY_TYPE]:This field allows you to group the activities into user-defined types. Activity_Type is an optional field that you may fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_ACTIVITY_TYPE]) provided. ;[Repeat Interval|REPEAT_INTERVAL]:If the activity needs to be retaken at set intervals, this field identifies the intervals. Repeat_Interval is an optional 7-character numeric field you may fill manually. ;[Repeat Basis|REPEAT_BASIS]:This field identifies the time basis for the repeat intervals. Repeat_Basis is an optional field that you must fill with a value from the fixed lexicon ([X_PERIOD_BASIS]) provided. ;[Mandatory|MANDATORY]:If this toggle is on, this activity is mandatory. Mandatory is an optional toggle field. ;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field allows you to give provide a short description of the activity. Description is an optional 50-character numeric field you may fill manually. ;[Training Need Text|TRAINING_NEED_TEXT]:You may provide further notes on the requirements for this activity. Training_Need_Text is an optional 50-character numeric field you may fill manually. !!Did you know... The ICDP screen is similar to the [ICDP_SUCCESSION] screen. However the [ICDP_SUCCESSION] Screen is used for Succession Plans only. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.ICDP] [{InsertPage page='Internal.ICDP' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]