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IB - Is Between The Is Between (IB) operator checks to see if Operand 1 can be found between the values of Operand 2 and Operand 3. Statement: If the employee has worked for the company for between 5 and 10 years, give a bonus of $100.00 in the last pay of the year (stored in PC 5000).

LineCMDOTOperand 1OPEROTOperand2OTOperand3If Goto Else GoTo
00010 LET V YEARS SERVICE YBT DB EEM.HIRE_DATE $S PERIOD-END-DATE 00020 00020 PPE EY $S PERIOD-END-DATE 00100 99999 00100 IF V YEARS SERVICE IB N 5 N 10 00200 99999 00200 LET PC 5000 EQ N 100 99999 99999 EXIT 99999

Line 00100 instructs the UserCalc to check if the years of service (Operand 1) are between 5 (Operand 2) and 10 (Operand 3) years.