Leave Schedules provide the ability to administer leave policies for different sets of employees. They may be defined and maintained through the Define Leave Schedules (IALS) form.

Users fill in the lowest level of eligibility. If it is a group that is qualified for a specific time code/leave policy then only the group needs to be chosen; the application will complete entity and unit. For person code/name - entity, unit and group will not be completed and should be left blank.

Leave Schedules data is maintained on the P2K_AT_LEAVE_SCHEDULES table.

If the schedule is being defined at the entity level then the entity code must be specified.
If the schedule is being defined at the unit level then the unit code must be specified.
If the schedule is being defined at the group level then the group code must be specified.
Time Code
This is a user-defined time code that uniquely identifies a type of time that this set of employees is eligible to take.
This field defines what employment status qualifies an employee to use this time code. This may be left blank.
Accrual Rule
This field allows users to establish an override for the accrual rule at the schedule level. (i.e. suppress entitlement for specific employee or suppress entire accrual process for employees on a leave employment status).
If the schedule is being defined for a specific employee then the employee must be chosen.
Time Abbreviation
This field holds a user-defined description of the time code entered.
Leave Type
This field holds the user-defined code for the leave type that the time code is to be attached to.
Leave Policy
This is a unique identifier of the policy that this time code is connected to.


If a particular leave type affects more than one policy the secondary policy should be indicated here. (i.e. if sick time is to be taken as FMLA and as ‘Sick’, then the ‘FMLA Sick’ should be linked to the FMLA bank on the schedule and associated to the Sick policy.)
Time Code
This field holds a user-defined time code that uniquely identifies a type of time that this set of employees is eligible to take.
Leave Type
This field is a user-defined code to indicate the leave type that the time code is to be attached to.
Leave Policy
This is a unique identifier of the policy that this time code is connected to.

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