Leave Accruals are the summarized records of each
leave policy in which an employee is participating. These records may be defined and maintained through the Maintain Leave Accruals (IALA) screen.
Leave Accruals data is maintained on the
- Show All Years
- This button will allow you to see all the evaluations for all previous years.
- Leave Type
- This field displays the user-defined code to indicate the leave type. This field was previously defined through Leave Policy Types (IAPT).
- Year
- This field displays the current leave policy year.
- Starting
- The Accrual Start Date field is the start of the leave policy year. It is either the policy start date for the current year (as of the pay period start date) or the employee’s hire date which ever is later. Start_Date is a mandatory date field the user must fill either manually or with the calendar icon.
- Ending
- This field holds the end date of the leave policy year.
- Leave Policy
- This field displays the leave policy for which the accrual record is being kept.
- Status
- This field indicates whether this accrual record is Active (current year), Closed (previous years) or Frozen (not currently available for processing).
- Stage
- This field will indicate whether the current accrual record being viewed is ‘Official’ (has been committed to the database) or ‘Unofficial’ (UPCALC has been run but not closed).
- Evaluation Date
- This date field indicates the last time the accrual was evaluated.
- Evaluation By
- This field will indicate which process last updated the policy.
- Service Evaluated
- This date field indicates the last time the employee’s service was evaluated.
- Entitlement Given
- This date field indicates the last time an entitlement was given.
- Entitl Frozen
- If this toggle is ON the bank will still be evaluated for time taken but no entitlement will be given. If this toggle is OFF entitlement will be given as usual.
- Last Pay #
- This field indicates the last pay that was processed for the employee.
The next section within IALA, contains the individual
attendance component totals associated with the leave accrual.
- AC Code
- This field holds a system-provided code to define the attendance component.
All AC codes begin with the letter “A” followed by a 3 or 4 digit number.
- Seq #
- The sequence specified is the order in which the Attendance or Payroll Calculation program will process the attendance components.
- Description
- This field holds a user-defined description of the attendance component entered.
- Accrual Type
- This field indicates why the attendance components code is being tracked. (i.e. Entitlement, Service, Previous Year, etc.).
- Value
- This field displays the value of the attendance components regardless of whether it is an amount, date, time, etc.
- Basis
- This field displays the unit of measure for the accrual value.
- Override
- If a user needs to override a value, and the attendance component has been set up to allow an override, then this field is where the override should be entered. This leaves an audit trail of what the value was while ensuring that the Attendance routine within UPCALC uses the override value.
Previous Evaluations#
- Leave Type
- This field associates the evaluation to a specific leave type.
- Evaluated On
- This date field displays the date of the evaluation.
- Description
- This field gives a short description of the evaluation.
- Status
- This field will indicate whether the evaluation is ‘Official’ (has been committed to the database) or ‘Unofficial’ (UPCALC has been run but not closed).
- Evaluated By
- This field will indicate how conducted the evaluation.
- Audit Text
- Additional information about the evaluation is provided here.
Policies and Components Updated#
- Policy/AC
- These fields indicate any policies and attendance components updated by the evaluation.
- Description
- This field provides a quick summary of the update.
- Amount
- This field displays the updated value.
- Time Basis
- This is the time basis of the requested time to be taken.
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Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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