[Attendance components|ATTENDANCE COMPONENTS] may be defined and maintained on the Define Attendance Components (IAAC) form.

The ability to delete or change information on this form is provided, however, it is strongly recommended that the information on this form not be changed. These attendance components and rules are necessary for all leave policies. If deleted here, no policy may access the component. As well, the applicable rules are pre-defined for all components and should not be added to or edited. At some installations, it may be necessary to edit the sequence of the attendance components, but this should only be done with the supervision of a High Line consultant.

Attendance Components data is maintained on the [P2K_AT_ATTENDANCE_COMPONENTS], [P2K_AT_AC_RULES], and [P2K_AT_AC_USAGES] tables.

;[Seq #|COMPONENT_SEQUENCE]:This field specifies the order in which the Attendance or Payroll Calculation program will process the attendance components. \\ \\ ''For example, in order to calculate the entitlement that should be awarded in any pay, it is necessary to know the employee’s service level. In order to know the service level, it is necessary to know the employee’s service date, and which date is used for service (i.e. hire date or seniority date, etc.) Therefore, the sequence of these attendance components is essential for proper leave accrual maintenance.''\\ \\__It is recommended that the sequence numbers not be changed without the supervision of a High Line consultant.__\\ \\Component_Sequence is a mandatory 5-character numeric field that is High Line provided.
;[AC Code|AC_CODE]:This field holds a system-provided code to define the attendance component. All AC codes begin with the letter “A” followed by a 3-digit number. Definitions of each of the attendance components may be found in the “Attendance Components List” area below. AC_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that is High Line provided.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides the description of the Attendance Component Code highlighted. Description is an optional 50-character alphanumeric field that is High Line provided but which can also be manually entered.
;[Text|COMPONENT_TEXT]:An optional field to allow space for more in-depth descriptions of the attendance component. Values are provided and may be edited to suit the installation. Component_Text is a 2000-character alphanumeric optional field that is High Line provided but which can also be manually entered.
;[Field Type|FIELD_TYPE]:The type of field for the information that will be returned by the attendance component. Valid entries (supplied) are Char, Number, Date, and Boolean. Field_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon ([X_FIELD_TYPE]) that the user may use to look up the value.
;[AC_Action|AC_ACTION]:The action that will be performed by this attendance component. \\ \\ __The action that will be performed by this attendance component. This action may be increased but should never be decreased. For example, a ‘Calculate’ AC may be made ‘Log on Leave Line’ but a ‘Store on Accrual’ should never be made a ‘Calculate’.__ \\ \\The order of hierarchy:
‘Calculate’ --> ‘Log to Leave Line’ --> ‘Store on Accrual’ --> ‘Log and Accrue’.\\ \\ AC_Action is a mandatory fixed lexicon ([X_AC_ACTION]) that the user may use to look up the value.
;[Prompt|FIELD_PROMPT]:The prompt that will be shown to the user when in the <Value> field. For example, if the attendance component were “A010 - Wage Rate”, an appropriate prompt would be “Enter Wage Rate”. Field_Prompt is an optional 30-character alphanumeric field that is High Line provided or may be manually entered.
;[Value Allowed|VALUE_ALLOWED]:If checked, this field allows users to enter a value for the attendance component. This could occur when setting up a new policy, when adding an employee manually to a policy, or when adding leave lines for an employee. If a value is allowed, the user will be able to access the <Value> field and enter a value in it. This field would not be used for policies where the value is calculated or derived. Value_Allowed is an optional toggle, the value of which is provided for each attendance component.
;[Value Override|ALLOW_VALUE_OVERRIDE]:If checked, this field allows the user to enter a value on the Leave Accrual or Leave Line form, and that value will be used by the system. If not checked, but “Value Allowed” is checked, the value that is on the policy will be used regardless of the value override. Both original values and overridden values are stored and the program will use the  original or the override based on this toggle. Allow_Value_Override is an optional toggle, the value of which is provided for each attendance component.
;[Enter Leave Lines|ENTER_LEAVE_LINES]:If checked, the attendance component may be entered into the leave lines and the information for this component comes from the leave lines. This is appropriate for components such as “Time Taken” and “Wage Rate”. Enter_Leave_Lines is an optional toggle, the value of which is provided for each attendance component.
;[Pay Component Allowed|PAY_COMPONENT_ALLOWED]:The attendance components used by a leave policy are stored with the value returned from the attendance calculation. If users also wish to record amounts in payroll (on the pay register, the employee’s pay stub, and/or the financial ledgers), they may select a [pay component|PAY COMPONENTS] where the attendance component’s value may also be stored. Without a specified [pay component|PAY COMPONENTS], the amount calculated would not be recorded for payroll or costing purposes. If used, users must also choose an AC Action of either ‘Log to Leave Lines’ or ‘Log and Accrue’. Pay_Component_Allowed is an optional toggle, the value of which is provided for each attendance component.
;[Elements Allowed|ELEMENT_ALLOWED]:If checked, allows users to enter an [element|PAY ELEMENTS] to calculate the attendance component. This is appropriate for those attendance components that might be calculated using a group of [pay components|PAY COMPONENTS] (such as Time Worked). The rules for the attendance component must include “Use an Element” for this field to be used. Element_Allowed is an optional toggle, the value of which is provided for each attendance component.
;[User Calc Allowed|USER_CALC_ALLOWED]:If checked, allows users to specify a UserCalc to calculate the attendance component amount, date, etc. This field is appropriate for those attendance components for which the Rule 00 – ‘Use UserCalc’ is defined. User_Calc_Allowed is an optional toggle, the value of which is provided for each attendance component.
!!Attendance Components Rules (P2K_AT_AC_RULES)
;[Rule|AC_RULE_CODE]:High Line provides a 2-digit code to describe the possible options available for each attendance component. The rules shown are applicable to the highlighted attendance component in the AC code field of the form. Rule_Code is a mandatory 2-character numeric field that is High Line provided.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:High Line provides a description of the AC rule code. Description is a 50-character alphanumeric field that is High Line provided. 
;[Next AC|AAC_ID_NEXT]:This field is used to show the interdependencies between attendance components. The AC code found provides a “chain” to the next logical AC code that will be used for this attendance policy.\\ \\''For example, if a policy uses a percent of hours worked method to derive entitlement, then Attendance Component A260 (Period Entitlement Method) would use rule 05 – Percentage of Time worked. The AC Code for A260 might be A280 (Prorate by Time Worked), as the rule for Time worked would then be necessary.''\\ \\ This field is useful to help the user keep track of which components may be necessary to edit for each policy. AAC_ID_NEXT is a mandatory 10-character numeric field that is High Line provided and may be edited.
;[Rule Text|AC_RULE_TEXT]:This field provides a description of the attendance component rule highlighted. AC_Rule_Text is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field that is High Line provided or may be manually entered.