!!!HTML - Understanding HTML Basics - Workflow Emails and [WAMII] Pages.

!!What is HTML?
Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages. 
This standardized system is not limited to web pages but can also be used for emails.  Personality allows Workflow emails to be produced and now those emails can be formatted using HTML and CSS coding to achieve a more refined look.

!!What is CSS?
CSS is the language for describing the presentation of Web Pages or in this case Personality HTML Workflow Emails. It is used in conjunction with HTML to control the layout, fonts, and colors.  HTML has its own tags which can do the basic functions for formatting however CSS can allow your Personality emails to be more robust.

!!HTML Formatting
Email Structure Tags
Every HTML email produced by Personality should have the following basic tags.
•	The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines this document to be HTML5
•	The <html> identifies that the workflow email should respect HTML formatting
•	The <style> element identifies that sets for parameters (fonts, font sizes, font color etc) that should be used for each tag)
•	The <body> element contains the visible formatted text in the email
•	The </html> element ends the </html> formatting
•	The </style> element end the <style> formatting
•	The </body> element ends the <body> portion of the email.

All tags used in an email must also have an “End Tag”.  This identifies when the specified tag is supposed to end.  For example, <html> is the tag that identifies the following text should be consider HTML formatted text.  At the end of the document you would want to put an </html> to tell the email that the HTML formatted text has ended.  Another example of this would be <p>.  The <p> tag identifies that a paragraph has begun.  At the end of the paragraph you would put a </p> to tell the email the paragraph has ended.

!!CSS Formatting

!!HTML/CSS Examples and Results