The following is an example of an [IDIF] format for hours based time sheets. The line 'PTSE.ACT_DIF_PRE_INSERT_CREATE_TS' will cause the [LPTS] to create a new time sheet if necessary. If this is missing the [LPTS] will not create new time sheets and if a matching time sheet cannot be found the record will be skipped. If the time code is not supplied, the DFLT TIME CODE from the time rule tab in [IDWR] is used. ||Rec #||Field #||Name||Beg Pos||End Pos||Field Type |1| 1| PTSE.EAS_ID.EEM_ID.EID_ID.PERSON_CODE| -1| -1| CHAR |1 |2 |PTSE.EAS_ID.ASSIGNMENT_CODE |-1| -1| CHAR |1| 3 |PTSE.ENTRY_DATE| -1| -1| CHAR |1| 4 |PTSE.TIME_OR_AMOUNT| -1| -1| CHAR |1| 5| PTSE.F_BANK_TIME| -1| -1 |CHAR |1| 6| PTSE.TIME_SHEET_ENTRY_SOURCE| -1| -1| CHAR |1| 7| PTSE.EAS_ID.EEM_ID.TERMINATION_DATE| -1| -1| CHAR |1| 8| PTSE.ACT_DIF_PRE_INSERT_CREATE_TS| -1| -1| CHAR ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.HOURS+BASED+INTERFACE+FOR+LPTS] [{InsertPage page='Internal.HOURS+BASED+INTERFACE+FOR+LPTS' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]