[{Image src='IDTC.jpg' width='360' align='right' link='attach/IDTC/IDTC.jpg'}]

The following are helper [Time Rules|Time_Rules] that apply different [time codes|TIME_CODE] depending on the [clock punch|Time_Entries] and employee schedule:
*[CLOCK IN EARLY] - applies defined time code when an employee clocks IN earlier then scheduled time
*[CLOCK IN LATE] - applies defined time code when an employee clocks IN later then scheduled time
*[CLOCK OUT EARLY] - applies defined time code when an employee clocks OUT earlier then scheduled time
*[CLOCK OUT LATE] - applies defined time code when an employee clocks OUT later then scheduled time
*[UNKNOWN LEAVE]  - applies defined time code when we have for any leave time type that does not have 				associated time code
*MISSED PUNCH- applies the defined time code for scheduled time where the clocks are missing	
**The MISSED PUNCH time code is being applied only in the past until current time.
**We now support [target time code set|TARGET TIME CODE SET] for this time rule.
** Any time that it is added through [time exception|TIME EXCEPTIONS] and creates time with a [time code|TIME_CODE] that is not in the target time code set will not be included in missing punch logic.
**[Time Code|TIME_CODE] used should use Missed Punch [time type|TIME_TYPE] (setup in [IDTC])