Certain payments are made to employees which are "grossed up" so that the after tax net pay is the target payment. If an employee is to receive a $500.00 payment after tax, then a gross up amount must be calculated so that the gross pay is increased to reflect an after tax payment of $500.00.
Wiki uses third party software for legislative calculations. As a result there are no tax rates held in Wiki. In order to calculate the gross up amount the federal, state, FICA and Medicare deduction percentages are referenced from user variables. These are then applied to the target amount to be paid to arrive at a gross pay which will, after all deductions are taken be the target amount.
Variable code | Percentage |
GU_FED_SUPP | 25 |
GU_FICA | 6.2 |
GU_MEDICARE | 1.45 |
GU_NJ_TAX RATE | 5.5 |
GU_NYS-TAX RATE | 9.77 |
GU_PA_TAX_RATE | 3.07 |
GU_PHIL_TAX_RATE | 3.9296 |
GU_RR_TIER2 | 3.9 |
GU_SUI_NJ | .425 |
GU_SUI_PA | .09 |
If there is a change in a tax rate, it will not be seen in the net pay result of the gross-up calculation as any difference between the target amount and the result of the legislative calculation's net pay is adjusted to equal the target amount. The difference is added to the federal tax deduction which may then reflect a higher-than intended deduction.
The BONUS pay category must be selected for Gross Up calculations.
All of these UserCalc's will only perform calculations if there is a value in PC2500, Gross Up payment.
This UserCalc is placed at sequence 20, 70-After Govt Calcs. If either FICA and/or Medicare are at zero values, the pay calc will continue in this sequence to re-calculate the legislative calculations. If there is no change to FICA and/or Medicare then the pay point type is exited before a re-calc of taxes. GrossUpAwardProcess_02.jpg
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
If you have any comments or questions please email the Wiki Editor
All content © High Line Corporation