The problem we need to solve:

  • In this particular field on the interface file, we want to show the work order, if the work order has been defined.
  • BUT, if it has not been defined, we want to use the distribution code.
  • UNLESS the transaction is for a BURDEN posting, then we need to replace the last four characters of the work order with a constant 8299.

A pseudo-code interpretation could look like this:

   (WORK_ORDER,              <--- Check the Work Order
      null , DISTR_CODE        <--- If it is NULL (not provided) then use the Distribution Code
      ,                        <--- otherwise (not a paired set of values for the DECODE ...
      decode (GL_ACCOUNT_CODE, <--- Check the GL ACCOUNT CODE
         'D-BURDEN EXP',       <--- If it is the code used for Burden then ...
         substr(WORK_ORDER,1,    <--- Get the Work Order from the first character 
         to where the ‘/’ is in WORK_ORDER)
         ||'/8299',              <--- Concatenate the constant value
        WORK_ORDER)            <--- Otherwise just use the WORK ORDER

We see that these pieces are available in the GL BUFFER:

  • WORK_ORDER 523 for 50 chars.
  • DISTR_CODE 51 for 50 chars.
  • GL_ACCOUNT_CODE 101 for 16 chars.

We will want to remove trailing blanks and so we can replace them as follows

WORK_ORDER rtrim(substr(~,523,50))
DISTR_CODE trim(substr(~,51,50))
GL_ACCOUNT_CODE rtrim(substr(~,101,16))

Now we can replace the pseudo code with the real derivations:

     decode (substr(~,101,12),
       'D-BURDEN EXP',
       || '/8299',


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