The G/L Buffer is a field that allows manipulation of multiple variables in a derivation expression in UPGLF. The variables, and their meaning are as described for the IDIF X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME (01).
This variable, if left alone will return a 672 byte value which is a concatenation of the values used in the generation of each record for the GL file. Using the SQL substring function SUBSTR, we can extract bits and pieces and manipulate it within the derivation expression
Start | Length | Returns |
001 | 016 | gl_company_code |
017 | 002 | journal_source |
019 | 002 | journal_type |
021 | 002 | currency |
023 | 006 | fiscal_period |
029 | 011 | fiscal_start (DD-Mon-YYYY) |
040 | 011 | fiscal_end (DD-Mon-YYYY) |
051 | 050 | distribution_code |
101 | 016 | gl_account_code |
117 | 002 | gl_account_type |
119 | 016 | person_code |
135 | 004 | pay_number |
139 | 004 | pc_code |
143 | 006 | pay_period |
149 | 011 | period_start_date (DD-Mon-YYYY) |
160 | 011 | period_end_date (DD-Mon-YYYY) |
171 | 011 | pay_issue_date (DD-Mon-YYYY) |
182 | 011 | gl_as_of_date (DD-Mon-YYYY) |
193 | 030 | first_name |
223 | 030 | last_name |
253 | 016 | gl_amt |
269 | 016 | gl_amt_dr |
285 | 016 | gl_amt_cr |
301 | 010 | std_wage_rate |
311 | 016 | entity_code |
327 | 016 | department_code |
343 | 016 | position_code |
359 | 016 | job_code |
375 | 016 | payroll_code |
391 | 016 | unit_code |
407 | 016 | group_code |
423 | 010 | check_number |
433 | 010 | user_name |
443 | 010 | work_state |
453 | 010 | res_state |
463 | 010 | work_geo |
473 | 010 | res_geo |
483 | 010 | school_district |
493 | 030 | reference_info |
523 | 050 | work_order |
573 | 016 | cost_center |
599 | 030 | tran_pointer |
623 | 010 | batch_number |
633 | 010 | time_entered |
643 | 002 | time_basis |
645 | 010 | std_wage_rate |
655 | 002 | std_wage_rate_basis |
657 | 010 | wage_rate |
667 | 002 | rate_basis |
669 | 004 | pc_usage_code |