The G/L Buffer is a field that allows manipulation of multiple variables in a [derivation expression|DERIVATION EXPRESSIONS|DERIVATION_EXPRESSION_USAGE] in [UPGLF].  The variables, and their meaning are as described for the IDIF [X_INF_VARIABLE_NAME (01)].

This variable, if left alone will return a 672 byte value which is a concatenation of the values used in the generation of each record for the GL file.  Using the SQL substring function [SUBSTR], we can extract bits and pieces and manipulate it within the derivation expression.

This can be used in quite sophisticated derivations, as shown in these examples:
# [Burden Code manipulation|GL BUFFER EXAMPLE 01]
# [Using GL Buffer to determine bypassing|GL BUFFER EXAMPLE 02]
# [Changing Dates based on Journal Source|GL BUFFER EXAMPLE 03]

The substring values for GL BUFFER are as follows:

| 001  | 016   | gl_company_code
| 017  | 002   | journal_source
| 019  | 002   | journal_type
| 021  | 002   | currency
| 023  | 006   | fiscal_period
| 029  | 011   | fiscal_start (DD-Mon-YYYY)
| 040  | 011   | fiscal_end (DD-Mon-YYYY)
| 051  | 050   | distribution_code
| 101  | 016   | gl_account_code
| 117  | 002   | gl_account_type
| 119  | 016   | person_code
| 135  | 004   | pay_number
| 139  | 004   | pc_code
| 143  | 006   | pay_period
| 149  | 011   | period_start_date (DD-Mon-YYYY)
| 160  | 011   | period_end_date (DD-Mon-YYYY)
| 171  | 011   | pay_issue_date (DD-Mon-YYYY)
| 182  | 011   | gl_as_of_date (DD-Mon-YYYY)
| 193  | 030   | first_name
| 223  | 030   | last_name
| 253  | 016   | gl_amt
| 269  | 016   | gl_amt_dr
| 285  | 016   | gl_amt_cr
| 301  | 010   | std_wage_rate
| 311  | 016   | entity_code
| 327  | 016   | department_code
| 343  | 016   | position_code
| 359  | 016   | job_code
| 375  | 016   | payroll_code
| 391  | 016   | unit_code
| 407  | 016   | group_code
| 423  | 010   | check_number
| 433  | 010   | user_name
| 443  | 010   | work_state
| 453  | 010   | res_state
| 463  | 010   | work_geo
| 473  | 010   | res_geo
| 483  | 010   | school_district
| 493  | 030   | reference_info
| 523  | 050   | work_order
| 573  | 016   | cost_center
| 599  | 030   | tran_pointer
| 623  | 010   | batch_number
| 633  | 010   | time_entered
| 643  | 002   | time_basis
| 645  | 010   | std_wage_rate
| 655  | 002   | std_wage_rate_basis
| 657  | 010   | wage_rate
| 667  | 002   | rate_basis
| 669  | 004   | pc_usage_code

[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

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