This field holds the GEO code/ GNIS Code of the city, county or state used for taxation purposes. 

GNIS code is the US Geographic Names Information System code, organized by the US Geologic Survey.

GNIS Code Format is: SS-CCC-FFFFFFF, where:
|SS|State FIPS Numeric Code|2 digits
|CCC|County Code|3 digits
|FFFFFFF|City Feature ID|Variable Length, 4 to 7 digits

The GNIS Code forms a unique combination of State, County, City, Municipality and School Districts that will be used in the system.

Each combination of State, County, City, Municipality and School Districts will form a tax jurisdiction that is eligible for tax calculation when an employee is being paid under this tax jurisdiction

GNIS Codes may be loaded into the table [P2K_CM_TAX_JURISDICTIONS] by running the function [UDGNIS]. The GNIS Codes / Tax Jurisdictions may be viewed in the screen [IDTX]. 
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