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Genus Clock Applications v1.02#

This paper is to explain all aspects of the High Line Genus Clock Application for both developers and consultants.

Developer Information#

Source Code#

Batch Files#


Configuration #

Java Libraries and System Files#

Available Memory#

These values have been provided by the CMI G1 and G2 users manual.

Consultant Information#

Clock Types and Applications#

G1 Clock Type G2 Clock Type
ApplicationSupported Readers
G1Biometric, Magnetic Strip
G2Biometric, Magnetic Strip, Proximity (Mifare)

Configuration Attributes#

Application Configuration

#TITLE = High Line Time Clock- main screen titleTITLE = HL (Devel) Time Clock
#WELCOME_MESSAGE-Idol page Welcome message. Only referenced by a G2 application.WELCOME_MESSAGE = Welcome
#PASSCODE = <passcode>- clock administrator passcodePASSCODE = 9
#ALLOW_KEYING = true/false- toggle for allowing keying of employee/badge numbersALLOW_KEYING = false
#VALID_KEYED_VALUES =-Employee Badge or Person codes which are allowed to be keyed when ALLOW_KEYING = false. (Spaces not supported.)VALID_KEYED_VALUES = 56,5000
#USE_BADGE = true/false- toggle for use of badge numbers (true= badge in ITCC, false=person_code)USE_BADGE = true
#MIN_BADGE_LEN = 4- minimum length of badge/employee numberMIN_BADGE_LEN = 2
#MAX_BADGE_LEN = 10- maximum length of badge/employee numberMAX_BADGE_LEN = 6
#ENTER_JOB = true/false- toggle for allowing a list of assignment Authorized jobs for selection during IN punches.ENTER_JOB = true
#ENTER_COST_CENTER = true/false- toggle for entering cost center informationENTER_COST_CENTER = false
#VALID_COST_CENTERS = - comma delimited list of valid cost centers. (Spaces not supported.)VALID_COST_CENTERS = 1234,5678
#VALIDATE_PUNCHES = true/false- toggle for validating punches on server ( validation will occur regardless if Keyed.)VALIDATE_PUNCHES = false
#STORE_BIO = true/false- toggle for storing biometric templates on server.STORE_BIO = false
#QUEUE_FULL-an "Out of Order" message displayed Once the punch queue is full. ( G1 20 Characters Max.)QUEUE_FULL = Clock Out of Order. Please advise your manager.
#QUEUE_FULL2-Used in G1 applications for 2nd line text messages ( G1 20 Characters Max.)QUEUE_FULL2 = Advise your manager.
#QUEUE_LIMIT-Used to define the MAXIMUM number of queued punches allowed to be in the queue IF less than the maximum physical limit.QUEUE_LIMIT = 200
#THAW_LIMIT -Used to define the number of queued punches allowed to be in the queue and automatically thaw the clock to accept punches.THAW_LIMIT = 0

Terminal Configuration

#BIO_SENSITIVITY = 0 to 7- biometric sensitivity levelBIO_SENSITIVITY = 4
#BIO_QUALITY = 0 to 2- biometric quality levelBIO_QUALITY = 1
#MIFARE_POLL_INTERVAL- Mifare Card reading interval in ms.MIFARE_POLL_INTERVAL = 10
#MSG_TIME = 3000/<milliseconds>- milliseconds to wait for display messagesMSG_TIME = 3000
#DELAY_TIME = 5000/<milliseconds>- milliseconds to delay screensDELAY_TIME = 5000
#IDLE_TIMEOUT 5000/<milliseconds>- milliseconds between idle screen refreshesIDLE_TIMEOUT 5000
#QUEUE_SLEEP_TIME = 50000/<milliseconds>- time between connections to the serverQUEUE_SLEEP_TIME = 50000
#PING_SLEEP_TIME = 30000/<milliseconds>- time between pings to the server storing device information.PING_SLEEP_TIME = 0

Web Configuration

#HOST_URL = http://<host>:<port>/<webapp>/<process> - server connection string
#HOST_URL = -example

#WB_RETRY_INTERVAL = 60000/<milliseconds> - retry frequency for invalid POSTs

Database Configuration - NOT USED

#DATABASE_DRIVER = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver - database driver class
DATABASE_DRIVER = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

#DATABASE_URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<sid> - database URL
DATABASE_URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@NSI:1521:NSI

#DATABASE_USER = <user> - database user name

#DATABASE_PSWD = <password> - database password

#DB_RETRY_INTERVAL = 60000 / <milliseconds> - retry frequency for invalid connection attempts

Loading Clock Software#

TFTP -i host GET source destination If this has never been attempted on your computer it is possible you will need to enable the TFTP service. Please see Microsoft for this procedure.

Clock Rebooting#

Usability Configuration#

setting are adjusting features of the bio and Mifare readers which are NOT provided by High Line. These are features of the hardware and when changing these values to something different than provided in the config file CMI support should be consulted.


Idle Screen#

(*) - Located on function buttons only on the G1: F1-Punch IN, F2-Punch OUT F3-verify, F4-Enroll(**), F5-remove print(if applicable to clock reader) (**), F6-Edit punch(**), F11 - Turn Debug on and off, F12-Memory Capacity Test /Current queue size. (**) -These functions are restricted and requires an administrator to enter the admin pass code defined in the configuration file (PASSCODE) before access is granted.

Punching IN and OUT#

Employee Verification#

The employee number will be either the eP "Person code" (defined in IEID) or the employees defined "clock card code" (defined in ITCC). This is important to know depending on the reader type being used. The clock card code may only be a numeric value since both clocks (G1 and G2) only support numeric keying. The USE_BADGE in the configuration file defines this; A true value will validate against the HR IEID record. A false value will validate against the ITCC record.

Administration Screen#


the config file is defined to use badge "true" the ITCC clock card code must match the person code and the administrator must use the person code as the badge number when enrolling the employee at the clock. The reason for this is that validation will be looking to the HR identity record using the entered badge and looking for a person code. Since the templates are stored in ITCC the clock card code must match in order to store the templates.


Check Queue Size#

Test Queue Capacity#

Example: If the clock generally has 50 > employees punching IN/OUT at a time the clock may encounter a high volume of stored punches. In the field, memory could potentially be filled up if a network or database was not available. This test will identify to the admin the maximum number of punches before it must shut down and wait for communication to upload. A sample punch will be requested in order to use the correct amount of memory for each punch. The clock will then queue as many punches the clock will successfully record. That number will be made available to the administrator. Both attributes are located in the configuration file as QUEUE_LIMIT and THAW_LIMIT. The queue full message is configurable and also in the configuration file as QUEUE_FULL and for the G2 only a second line is provided as QUEUE_FULL2.

Clear All#

Clock Ping Service#

If text is added after the xml it will be lost after the next ping.


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