!!!Further UserCalc Naming Conventions
!!Function UserCalcs

1. Start Function UserCalc names with the component number \\(e.g. B0600, A0250)\\ \\
2. Follow with the 3 - 5 character acronym of the plan, coverage or policy. \\(e.g. MED, HLTH, DENT, XHLTH, LIFE, FLEX, OLIF, XLIF, COMP, DCOMP, VACN, VACP, SICK, XSICK, PERS, PTO, FMLA)\\ \\
3. Follow with a 3-5 char component type \\ (e.g. DATE/DT, PREM/PR, DEDN/EE, CONTR/ER, STEP/ ST, RATE/RT, HOURS/HRS, TIME/TM)\\ \\
4. Include a consistent 2-4 char type usage convention for time types \\(e.g. TKN, ACCR, DON, REC, USED, WRKD)	\\ 

Some examples of Function UserCalcs using these conventions would be:
*B1000 DENT EE
*A0300 VAC TAKEN 	
;Please note, if a UserCalc is to be copied to the Forecasting and Costing module, you will be limited to 13 characters.\\
5. Describe the end result of the UserCalc using verbs like calculate, store, modify, adjust, reduce, increase, qualify, remove, derive, suppress, cap, etc.
*Reduces sick payout term 
*Stores vacn bal in global 
*Suppresses med prem LWOP 
*Derives age at Jan 1 
*Adjusts service date

!!Qualification UserCalcs
# Start qualification UserCalc names with QUAL (or with Q plus the AT/BE component if the UserCalc is specific to only one policy or plan, i.e. B0010 or A0010).\\ \\
# Follow with a 8-12 char qualification description, plan or policy \\(e.g. U-LOC3420, G-FTPERM, P-BIWKLY, MED, VACN etc)\\ Some examples of Qualification UserCalcs using these conventions would be:
*QUAL U-LOC3420 
*Q B0010 FLEX 
*Q A0010 VACN