!!!Further UserCalc Naming Conventions !!Function UserCalcs # Start Function UserCalc names with the component number \\(e.g. B0600, A0250)\\ \\ #Follow with the 3 - 5 character acronym of the plan, coverage or policy. \\(e.g. MED, HLTH, DENT, XHLTH, LIFE, FLEX, OLIF, XLIF, COMP, DCOMP, VACN, VACP, SICK, XSICK, PERS, PTO, FMLA)\\ \\# Follow with a 3-5 char component type \\ (e.g. DATE/DT, PREM/PR, DEDN/EE, CONTR/ER, STEP/ ST, RATE/RT, HOURS/HRS, TIME/TM)\\ \\# Include a consistent 2-4 char type usage convention for time types \\(e.g. TKN, ACCR, DON, REC, USED, WRKD) \\Some examples of Function UserCalcs using these conventions would be: *B0600 MED PREM *B0500 SUPER STEP *B1000 DENT EE *A0250 VAC TMWRKD *A0300 VAC TAKEN ;%%information Please note, if a UserCalc is to be copied to the Forecasting and Costing module, you will be limited to 13 characters.%%\\ # Describe the end result of the UserCalc using verbs like calculate, store, modify, adjust, reduce, increase, qualify, remove, derive, suppress, cap, etc. *Reduces sick payout term *Stores vacn bal in global *Suppresses med prem LWOP *Derives age at Jan 1 *Adjusts service date !!Qualification UserCalcs # Start qualification UserCalc names with QUAL (or with Q plus the AT/BE component if the UserCalc is specific to only one policy or plan, i.e. B0010 or A0010).\\ \\ # Follow with a 8-12 char qualification description, plan or policy \\(e.g. U-LOC3420, G-FTPERM, P-BIWKLY, MED, VACN etc)\\ Some examples of Qualification UserCalcs using these conventions would be: *QUAL U-SALARIED *QUAL U-LOC3420 *QUAL G-FTPERM *Q B0010 FLEX *Q A0010 VACN