A Function is a "program" in the system.  ePersonality has broken its functions out by module.  Functions adopt a function [naming convention] for ease of reference.  All functions can be access through the [Command Window] or from a [menu], or [splash screen].

[Administration Module Functions|Functions (AM)]\\
[Common Definitions Functions|Functions (CM)]\\
[Human Resources Functions|Functions (HR)]\\
[Attendance Functions|Functions (AT)]\\
[Benefits Functions|Functions (BE)]\\
[Forecasting and Costing Functions|Functions (FC)]\\
[Labor Relations Functions|Functions (LR)|FUNCTIONS-LR]\\
[Payroll Functions|Functions (PR)]\\
[Recruiting Functions|Functions (RE)|FUNCTIONS-RE]\\
[Pension Administration Functions|Functions (RX)]\\
[Salary Administration Functions|Functions (SA)]\\
[Safety and Health Functions|Functions (SH)|FUNCTIONS-SH]\\
[Training and Development Functions|Functions (TD)|FUNCTIONS-TD]\\
[Time Scheduling Functions|Functions (TS)]
