FORM TOOLBAR(Disambiguation)
The Toolbar is a menu defined in IMMU thus you can copy our supplied menu and create your own specifying the code here.The default copy is ""FORM TOOLBAR"
This preference is set by site (IMST) only.
By function, you can hide the display of the toolbar using the preference SHOW FORM TOOLBR
- In IMMU copy FORM TOOLBAR and give it a user defined copy name such as FORM TOOLBAR ABC.
- On the copied menu delete any items that you don't want to show in the functions. (For example - Watch Forms Icon, Media Icon, EJB Activity Icon etc.)
- In IMST, in the Preference tab, add the preference FORM TOOLBAR and in the Value field, paste the name of your copied toolbar (ie FORM TOOLBAR ABC).
The new toolbar will be universal for ALL users. In Wiki it is either the default toolbar or the copied one. You cannot choose a different toolbar for different users.