[FORM TOOLBAR(Disambiguation)] !!!FORM TOOLBAR The Toolbar is a menu defined in [IMMU] thus you can copy our supplied menu and create your own specifying the code here. The default copy is ""FORM TOOLBAR" This preference is set by site ([IMST]) only. By function, you can hide the display of the toolbar using the preference [SHOW FORM TOOLBR] #In [IMMU] copy FORM TOOLBAR and give it a user defined copy name such as FORM TOOLBAR ABC. #On the copied menu delete any items that you don't want to show in the functions. (For example - Watch Forms Icon, Media Icon, EJB Activity Icon etc.) #In [IMST], in the Preference tab, add the preference FORM TOOLBAR and in the Value field, paste the name of your copied toolbar (ie FORM TOOLBAR ABC). %%information The application server must be restarted for the new toolbar to take effect.%% The new toolbar will be universal for ALL users. In [{$applicationname}] it is either the default toolbar or the copied one. You cannot choose a different toolbar for different users. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.FORM TOOLBAR] [{InsertPage page='Internal.FORM TOOLBAR' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]