All information is displayed and maintained through interactive forms. There are common components to every form that you will need to be familiar with in order to do your work.

Each form has its own window that resides in the work area of the Main Application Window. A form window contains a title line, a toolbar, possibly a find block/list and a content area. You will notice that the window title line takes on a different color for each application module.

[{Image src='Form Window/FormWindow_01.JPG' align='center'}]

!!Form Toolbar
The form toolbar helps you perform a variety of tasks. Clicking the individual buttons on the toolbar lets you control the information presented in the form.  Actions that are not appropriate at the moment are disabled.
[{Image src='Form Toolbar/FormToolbar_01.JPG' align='center'}]

Each of the actions supported on the form toolbar is defined in [Form Toolbar Icons|FORM TOOLBAR ICONS] page.

[{InsertPage page='FIND BLOCK'}]

[{InsertPage page='LIST BLOCK'}]

[{InsertPage page='CONTENT AREA'}]