!!!Flex Positions The purpose of a flex position is to allow the user to fill a 'Budgeted' position at different job levels. The user should be restricted to a list of jobs in which a specific flex position can be filled. The user will override the job/unit to the different job class, leaving the authorized position the same. The assignment job will be the job they are performing and the position job will remain the one associated to their position. __Considerations when using flex positions;__ * The purpose of the flex position is to allow a change in the job at the assignment level *When using flex positions all assignments will have a position *These changes may be on a PXXX (PA) form as well as on the assignment [IEAS] form * Attendance, Benefit, Payroll, and TS functions will use the Assignment record for determining Unit/Group, etc... !!Set Up Required for Flex Positions Both the Position [IDPS] and Job [IDJB] details tables have a column called __JOB_FAMILY__ which is located on the details tab. !Job Details [IDJB] When setting up the IDJB form, the Job Family field should contain only one specific identifier such as __ANALYST 1, ANALYST 2, HR1, HR2,__ etc.... The Job Family field is free form text that can be entered by the user at any time. __''Note - Only alpha and numeric (no special characters) are allowed in the Job Family field. This field is case specific. Entering Analyst1 and ANALYST1 would result in the system treating them as two separate job families. Note - There can only be one identifier located on the IDJB at one time.'' !Position Details [IDPS] The Job Family field located on IDPSis also free form text. The value entered for Job Family in this field must exist on the IDJB. Unlike the job form, when setting up the IDPS, positions can allow for more than one job family to be entered at one time. The position Job Family can contain a comma delimited list of identifiers (meaning there should be no spaces between commas). Example: ''ANALYST1,ANALYSTS,ANALYST3''__ or __''HR1,HR4,HR5__ ''The position Job Family identifiers can also utilize wildcards to pick up similar identifiers from the job. Example: __''ANALYST%''__ or __''ANALYST''_ __or __''A%''__ Using any one of these as an identifier will utilize ANALYST1, ANALYST2 or ANALYST3 from the previous example. If the '%' is used by itself on IDPA with no other values in the Job Family field, a list of all the jobs that have a null Job Family will be available to choose from. !!Flex Position Logic on the Assignment Details Based on the set up on the IDJB and IDPS there are four different results that can occur in the 'Job' field on the assignment (IEAS). # If the Job Family field has been filled in on the job and position screens, then the Job LOV on the assignment details will only contain jobs that match the identifiers attached to the position that has been assigned to the employee. # If not using flex positions, when a position is specified that does not have a Job Family, then only the job tied to the position will appear as an option on the LOV on the assignment. # When there is no position specified, the full list of jobs for the employee's entity will be displayed. # If the '%' is used by itself on the position with no other values, a list of all jobs that have a null Job Family will be available to choose from. The chart below outlines an example set up on the IDPS and IDJB when using flex positions. ||Job Code (IDJB)||Job Family (IDJB)||Posiiton (IDPS)||Job on Position||Job Family (IDPS) |HR ANALYST 1|HR1|1000001|HR ANALYST 1|HR1 |HR ANALYST 2|HR1|1000002|HR ANALYST 2|HR1 |HR ANALYST 3|HR1|1000003|HR ANALYST 3|HR1 |HRCLERK|HR2|1000100|HR CLERK|HR1,HR2 |HR SR ANALYST|HR3|1001000|HR SR ANALYST|HR1,HR3 |HR MANAGER|HR4|2000000|HR MANAGER|HR1,HR2,HR3,HR4 |HR DIRECTOR|HR5|3000000|HR DIRECTOR|HR5 |HR VP|HR%|4000000|HR VP|HR% |HR PRESIDENT|NONE|5000000|HR PRESIDENT|NONE |EXTRA HELP|NONE|500|EXTRA HELP|% If the set up in the chart above was utilized, the following would be the outcome on the assignment (IEAS): ||IEAS POSITION||Available Jobs in IEAS JOB LOV |1000001|HR ANALYST 1,HR ANALYST 2,HR ANALYST 3 |1000002|HR ANALYST 1,HR ANALYST 2,HR ANALYST 3 |1000003|HR ANALYST 1,HR ANALYST 2,HR ANALYST 3 |1000100|HR ANALYST 1,HR ANALYST 2,HR ANALYST 3,HR CLERK |1001000|HR ANALYST 1,HR ANALYST 2,HR ANALYST 3,HR SR ANALYST |2000000|HR ANALYST 1,HR ANALYST 2,HR ANALYST 3,HR CLERK,HR SR ANALYST,HR MANAGER |3000000|Only HR DIRECTOR will be available as it is the only job tied to HR5 |4000000|HR ANALYST 1,HR ANALYST 2,HR ANALYST 3,HR CLERK,HR SR ANALYST,HR MANAGER,HR DIRECTOR,HR VP |5000000|Only HR DIRECTOR will be available as the JOB FAMILY is blank on IDPS and IDJB |500|All jobs (This includes jobs with or without Job Families ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.FLEX_POSITIONS] [{InsertPage page='Internal.FLEX_POSITIONS' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]