!!!Frequently Asked Questions - Web Site Administrator Self Service
*[How Do I Create a Function?|HOW_DO_I_CREATE_A_FUNCTION]
*[How Do I Copy/Extend a Function?|HOW_DO_I_COPY_OR_EXTEND_A_FUNCTION?]
*[How Do I Delete/Remove a Function?|HOW_DO_I_DELETE_OR_REMOVE_A_FUNCTION?]
*[How Do I Create a Form?|HOW_DO_I_CREATE_A_FORM?]
*[How Do I Copy a Form?|HOW_DO_I_COPY_A_FORM?]
*[How Do I Add a Header or Footer to a Screen?|HOW_DO_I_ADD_A_HEADER_OR_FOOTER_TO_A_SCREEN?]
*[How Do I Create a Menu?|HOW_DO_I_CREATE_A_MENU?]
*[How Do I Create a User Name?|HOW_DO_I_CREATE_A_USER_NAME?]
*[How Do I Set Up a Generic User or User Profile?|HOW_DO_I_SET_UP_A_GENERIC_USER_OR_USER_PROFILE?]
*[How Do I Create a Role?|HOW_DO_I_CREATE_A_ROLE?]
*[How Do I Assign a User to a Role?|HOW_DO_I_ASSIGN_A_USER_TO_A_ROLE?]
*[How Do I Assign a Role to a User?|HOW_DO_I_ASSIGN_A_ROLE_TO_A_USER?]
*[How Do I Change a Message to the User?|HOW_DO_I_CHANGE_A_MESSAGE_TO_THE_USER?]
*[How Do I Attach Assessments to the New Candidate Procedure?|HOW_DO_I_ATTACH_ASSESSMENTS_TO_THE_NEW_CANDIDATE_PROCEDURE?]
*[How Do I Allow New Candidates from the New Candidate Procedure?  |HOW_DO_I_ALLOW_NEW_CANDIDATES_FROM_THE_NEW_CANDIDATE_PROCEDURE?]

!!Web Site Administrator Questions

A: You are restricted from creating new forms. All forms are created by us or under our direction. You may, however, copy an existing function in order to modify the form - see How Do I Copy a Function?.

A:You are restricted from copying new forms. You may, however, copy an existing function in order to modify the form - see How Do I Copy a Function?.

A: Although headers and footers appear on the form, they are set up at the Function level.
# Access the Maintain Function form ([IMFN]) through the Web Site Administrator main menu. You will be presented with a list of functions.
# Select the function to which you wish to add the Header and/or Footer.
# Click on the Preferences tab.
# Click the Add icon found at the bottom of the list of functions.
#  Enter a Seq. number. We recommend using numbers increased by increments of ten. (e.g. 10, 20, 30, etc.)
# Enter in the Preference; HEADER INFO or FOOTER INFO.
# Enter the location of the html or jsp file in the Value field i.e. docs/WEDPN_Header.html
# Save the file.

We have supplied various sample screen headers and footers throughout Self Service. These headers and footers are either HTML or JSP files which are saved in the "docs" folder under selfService on your 9ias server.

The headers and footers provided can be edited to your requirements. It is recommended, however, that you follow our naming conventions for these files.

Each header is named as follows:
FUNCTION_Header.html or FUNCTION_Header.jsp, where FUNCTION is the name of the function to which you will be applying this header (e.g. WEEPP_Header.html).
Each footer is named as follows:
FUNCTION_Footer.html or FUNCTION_Footer.jsp, where FUNCTION is the name of the function to which you will be applying this footer (e.g. WEEP_Footer.html).

A header and/or footer will only appear on a screen if the Header Info and/or Footer Info preferences have been properly setup via the Maintain Functions ([IMFN]) screen in Self Service Administration module to call the appropriate HTML or JSP document
from the "docs" directory.

Whenever Self Service software updates are provided there is the chance that supplied documents in the "docs" folder will be overwritten. To avoid losing any newly created documents or changes made to the delivered documents, we recommend that you keep a master copy of ALL required headers and footers outside of the server environment.

# Access the Create Menus form ([IMMU]) through the Web Site Administrator main menu. You will be presented with a list of menus.
# Click the Add icon found at the bottom of this list. A blank row will now appear in the list.
# Ensure your cursor is on that row. Directly beneath the list, there are a series of fields allowing you to define the new menu.
# Fill in the name of the menu in the [Menu Code|MENU_CODE] field.
# Complete the [Sequence|MENU_ITEM_SEQUENCE], [Code|MENU_ITEM_CODE] and [Type|MENU_ITEM_TYPE] fields to identify the menu items (functions or menus) that will compose your menu and the order in which they should appear.
# Complete either the Call Function or Call Menu field for each menu item. A menu item may only call either a function or a menu, so you will fill in only one of these two fields.
# Complete the [Label|MENU_ITEM_LABEL] field and if desired, the [Icon Name|ICON_NAME] field.
# Set the [Menu Action Usage|MENU_ITEM_USAGE] must be User Defined. This must be completed.
# Once you are satisfied with the data you have provided, click the Save button. 

# Access the Create User ([IMUS]) form through the Web Site Administrator main menu. You will be presented with a list of users.
# Click the Add icon found at the bottom of this list. A blank row will now appear in the list;
# A ensure your cursor is on that row. Directly beneath the list are the fields that allow you to define the user you wish to enter.
# Enter the user’s ID/Name and Description in the appropriate fields.
# If the user should have access for a limited time period, you may define that time period through the Start Date and End Date fields.
# You may provide an Email Address and Password in the appropriate fields
# Define the general execution rights for this user through the Create Allowed, Retrieve Allowed, Update Allowed and Delete Allowed Boolean.
# Define execution rights to a specific function for this user through the Execution Rights tab at the bottom of the form.
# At this point you may also define the role’s Preferences and assign Roles.
# Once you are satisfied with the data you have provided, click the Save button. 

A: This procedure is a two step process. There are a set of instructions on how to create and assign the Generic User (Group, Shared) or User Profile to multiple employees. Following those instructions are the steps the employee must do when they first enter the application.

Be careful to follow these steps exactly.
Create and Assign Generic User or User Profile
# Create a generic user profile through Create Users ([IMUS]) in the Self Service application as specified in How do I create a User Name? For example, EMPLOYEE_PT.
# Leave the Self Service application
# Access the Professional application.
# Go to the Define Identity Information ([IEID]) form.
# From the list of employees, pick the employee to whom you would like to give the new User Profile. For example, Jacqueline Myers.
# Click on the User Name field; found in the Access section on the bottom right corner of the form.
# Enter the name of User Profile you created in Self Service. As Professional and Self Service are on the same database, any data created in Self Service may be called up in Professional. In the example we are using, you would enter EMPLOYEE_PT. IMPORTANT - at this point you must save the form before you go anywhere else.
# Make note of the Person Code. For example, # 4112.
# Access the Reset Pin Number ([IMRE]) form.
# Type in the Person Code. In our example, 4112.
# In the New PIN# field, type in the PIN you want to set for this employee. The PIN must include one digit and one alpha character. For example, P123
# In the Confirm PIN# field, re-type in the PIN you want to set for this employee
#When you are finished, click OK. You will receive a prompt to tell you that the password has been reset.
# Click OK. You will be brought back to the [IMRE] form.
# Click Cancel to close the form.
# If the [IEID] form was left open, you will notice that the PIN number field is still blank. You may re-query (F8) or exit and re-enter the [IEID] form for that employee, to see the PIN number field is filled.

;Employee Access:
When the employee needs to access the Self Service application for the first time, they will go through the following steps:
# Go to into Self Service.
# In the Last Name field, they will enter their last name. In our example, myers
# In the Person Code field, they will enter their employee number. In our example, 4112
# In the PIN Number field, they will enter the generic password. In our example, P123
# The employee may then change their PIN by going to Employee Self Service > My Self Service > My Self Service PIN

# Access the Create Roles form through the Web Site Administrator main menu, or through the Navigation tree. You will be presented with a list of roles.
# Click the Add icon found at the bottom of this list. A blank row will now appear in the list.
# Ensure your cursor is on this row. Directly beneath the list are fields that allow you to define the role you wish to create.
# Enter the role’s Name and Description.
# Select Role Type (e.g. Executions)
# If you wish to indicate that this will be the default role outside of the Professional world, indicate YES for Default Role and assign a Password in the next field.
# At this point you may also define the role’s Preferences and assign Users.
# Save the file.

# Access the Create Roles form through the Web Site Administrator main menu, or through the Navigation tree. You will be presented with a list of roles.
# Locate the role to which you would like to assign a user.
# Place your cursor on that role and highlight it.
# Go to the User tab and from the User drop down menu, select the user to which you would like to assign the role.
# Save the file.

# Access the Assign Roles to Users form through the Web Site Administrator main menu, or through the Navigation tree. You will be presented with a list of users.
# Click the Add icon found at the bottom of this list. A blank row will now appear in the list.
# Ensure your cursor is on this row. Directly beneath the list are fields that allow you to define the role you wish to create.
# From the User Name pop-up menu, select the user to whom you would like to assign a role.
# From the Role Name pop-up menu, select the role.
# Complete the Role Sequence.
# If you wish to indicate that this will be the default role outside of the Professional world, indicate YES for Default Role. Only one Professional role (not Self Service) per user may be assigned as a default role.
# Save the file.
# Access Professional.
# Go to System Messages ([IMMS]).
# In the Message Description field enter in a key word or two from the message. In our example,%administration%.
# Select the message you wish to change.
# In the Help Text field make the changes.
# Save the file.

# Create the assessment in Professional.
# Create an ‘html’ file with the following information: 
**  <HTML> \\ <li><a href="..\Assessment.jsp?ASSESSMENT_CODE=GENERAL& \\ASSESSMENT_EVENT=NEW" TARGET=_blank>\\ Click here to take the General Survey\\</a></li>\\</HTML> \\where ‘GENERAL’ is the assessment code. 
# Save the file in the "docs" folder under selfService on your 9ias server.
# Access the Maintain Function form through the Web Site Administrator main menu, or through the Navigation tree. You will be presented with a list of functions.
# Click the Add icon found at the bottom of this list. A blank row will now appear in the list;
# Ensure your cursor is on this row. Directly beneath the list are fields that allow you to define the function you wish to enter.
# Enter data into these fields as indicated below.
**Field: Data
**Product: RE
**Function Name: GENERAL
**Description: General Candidate Survey Assessment
**Function Usage: User Defined
**Function Type: Manual
**Web Address: docs/GeneralSurvey.html
# Set the execution rights allowed to ‘Yes’ for Retrieve Allowed and Update Allowed
# In the Execution Rights tab, assign the function to [P2K_MASTER] and [WWW_CANDIDATE] with Retrieve and Update set to ‘Yes’
# Once you are satisfied with the data you have provided, Save the file. The new function may now be added to the NEW CANDIDATE procedure.

A: All new candidate procedures MUST start with MAINTAINING your Name and Password  ([WCRLI]). Do not give your procedures and functions the same file name.

If your function is named the same as your procedure, the function file will overwrite the procedure file and your original procedure file will be lost.
# Through the [IMPC] form in Professional, create as many procedures as you need to use in Self Service.
# Create an ‘html’ file (e.g. New_Candidate.html) with the following information:
**<HTML>\\What type of positions are you looking for? \\<UL>\\<LI><a target="_parent" href="..\candidate.form?FORM=NEW_CAND_1"> New Candidate Procedure 1</a></LI>\\<P></P>\\<LI><a target="_parent" href="..\candidate.form?FORM=NEW_CAND_2"> New Candidate Procedure 2</a></LI>\\<P></P>\\<LI><a target="_parent" href="..\candidate.form?FORM=NEW_CAND_3"> New Candidate Procedure 3</a></LI>\\</UL>\\</HTML>
**In the above information, ‘NEW_CAND_1’,'NEW_CAND_2' and 'NEW_CAND_3' will be the names of the procedures you created in [IMPC].
# Save the file in the "docs" folder under selfService on your 9ias server.
# Access the Maintain Function form ([IMFN]) either through the Web Site Administrator main menu or through the Navigation tree. You will be presented with a list of functions.
# Click the Add icon found at the bottom of this list. A blank row will now appear.
# Ensure that your cursor is on this blank row.
#Directly beneath the list are fields that allow you to define the function you wish to enter. Enter data into the fields as indicated bellow:
**Field: Data
**Product: RE
**Function Name: NEW CAND FUNCT
**Description: 'New Candidate Procedures'
**Function Usage: User Defined
**Function Type: Manual
**Web Address: docs/New_Candidate.html
# Set the function's execution rights allowed to ‘Yes’ for Retrieve Allowed'
# In the ‘Execution Rights’ tab, assign the function to [P2K_MASTER] and [WWW_CANDIDATE] with Retrieve set to ‘YES’.
#Once you are satisfied with the data you have provided, Save the file

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