!!!Frequently Asked Questions - Candidate Work Preferences

!!Candidate Work Preferences - FAQ's

!Q:As an Administrator, how do I change a Work Preference Option?
A:The column must first be removed from [IMFD] for [IRCWP], [WCRWP] and [WCRWPO]. Then the user may change the option in [IRWPO]. Once the change has been made, a new LOV may be required if the new option is on a different table or if the new option is on the same table as the previous option perhaps the columns in LOV need only to be updated. The last step is to add the changed column to [IMFD] for [IRCWP], [WCRWP] and [WCRWPO]. 

If a Candidate has made a selection from the previous Work Preference Option, the Preference for that Candidate will be automatically deleted when the Option has been deleted from [IRWPO] screen.

!Q: As an Administrator, how do I remove an existing Work Preference Option?
A:The column must first be removed from [IRCWP], [WCRWP], and [WCRWPO]. Once that has been done, then the option must also be removed from [IRWPO]. 

If a Candidate has made a selection from that Work Preference Option, this will be automatically removed when the Option has been removed from [IRWPO]. 

!Q: How do I know if a Candidate is using a Work Preference Option? 
A:In [IRWPO] there are new fields to indicate if a work preference option is in use by a form and by a Candidate. The field Used By Functions indicates which function is using the Work Preference Option and the field  Used By indicates how many Candidates have selected a work preference for that option. There is a also a new button called View Candidates. This button when pressed will display a dialog indicating the Candidate’s code and name of those who have selected a work preference for the highlighted option. 

!Q: How can I set a work preference on behalf of a Candidate? 
A:If a Recruiter needs to set work preferences on behalf of a Candidate, they can navigate to the form, [IRCWP].  This is a Professional form similar to that of [WRRCWP], however this form also includes a tab to indicate a summary of the chosen options. 

!Q: Why are the Work Preference Options in IRCWP, WCRWP and WCRWPO different?
A:If the Work Preference Options are different in the above screens then the setup in [IMFD] is incorrect. All three screens ([IRCWP], [WCRWP], [WCRWPO]) must have the same columns and LOVs defined for the Preference work groups, they must also be in the same sequence. 

!Q: How would I add City as a Work Preference Option? 
A:In [IRWPO] add the Option “Location”, the Item Name would be “DLN_ID” and the Prompt could be City. 

Then in [IMLOV] for table [P2K_CM_LOCATIONS] add a new LOV called WP_DLN_ID. The base column would be Locality which displays as City to the user. The State / County could also be added, if desired. 

Then add the column to [IMFD] for [WCRWPO], [WCRWP] and [IRCWP]. 

!Q:7) How come I can change some Work Preference Options and not others in IRWPO?
A:If a Work Preference Option is tied to a form (ie: [IRCWP] or [WCRWPO]) then the Work Preference Option is not update-able. If the Option is not tied to any forms then the user has the ability to edit it. 

!Q: The WCRWPO is missing the header info, what is wrong?
A:Ensure the preference “HEADER INFO” has been added to [WCRWPO] in [IMFD] in the tab Function Info. The value is the location of the WCRWPO_Header.html file, for example, docs/WCRWPO_Header.html.

The file should be located on the Application Server ie: \Apache\Apache\htdocs\HLAppResources_AS01\release\docs

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