!!!Electronic T4 Print Facility
Employees can consent, or withdraw their consent, to receive/print their T4 and/or Releve 1 forms through Self Service.  If an employee chooses to receive electronic T4/RL-1 forms, they must enter their consent in the My T4 Consent form, WEPT4.

%%information Note: The employee consent for the printing the T4 form through Self Service will also automatically give consent to print their RL-1 form through Self Service.%%

Employees must run the T4 form RET4 and select the Reporting Year they want to print.  The output T4 will be in a pdf format. \\ \\
Organizations can also manage the consent for employees to receive electronic T4/Rl-1 forms using the Maintain Employee T4 Consent form, IEPT4.  Organizations can control the years that T4/RL-1 forms are available for employees to print, by setting a Preference on the [IMST] form (see below for instructions). \\ \\
If an employee has chosen to receive electronic T4/Rl-1 forms, using either WEPT4 or IEPT4, a paper copy is __NOT__ printed duting the RPT4 T4 printing process.

!!Set Up/Implementation
Users must set up the EE_T4_GVT_RUN Preference with the values of the GVT Run Numbers that contain the information for the employee’s T4s (from the RPYEC run) on the [IMST] form, Preference tab.
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The GVT Run numbers must be entered with comma separators and no spaces, such as 1234,3333,4567.  

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