!!EY - End of Year The End of Year (EY) operator will return the last day of the year of the date found in Operand 2. ;Statement:Employees are not eligible for pension benefits until January 1 of the year following their Hire Date. Pension contributions are stored in PC 1100, and are equal to 1% of Gross Earnings. ||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto|| Else GoTo |00010| LET|V|PENSION START DATE|EY|DB|EEM.HIRE_DATE|A|+1D|00020| |00020| IF|V|PENSION START DATE|GE|$G|PAY-PERIOD-START| | |00100|99999 |00100| LET|PC|1100|MLT|EC|GROSS PAY|N|0.01|99999| |99999| EXIT| | | | | | | |99999 | In the example above, an employee hired March 16, 1998 would begin having contributions made to pension on January 1, 1999. The operator determines the end of the year of the hire date in Operand 2, namely, December 31, 1998. Operand 3 takes that date and adds one day to get the result January 1, 1999. Refer to [BD|BD_OPERATOR] for possible Operand 3 values. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.EY_OPERATOR] [{InsertPage page='Internal.EY_OPERATOR' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]