- Line 00010 tests if the Pay Period includes the end of the week of the employee’s hire date.
EW - End of Week
End of Week (EW) will return the last day of the week (Saturday) of the date found in Operand 2.
Statement: A one-time uniform charge (stored in PC 2500) is assigned to the employee after 1 week of hire. In order to determine the date when the charges may be applied, we need to identify the end of the first week. (The uniform charge may change over time, so has been stored in the User-Variable Uniform Charge.)
Line CMD OT Operand 1 OPER OT Operand2 OT Operand3 If Goto Else GoTo
00010 PPE EW DB EEM.HIRE_DATE 00100 99999
00100 LET PC 2500 EQ $C UNIFORM CHARGE 99999
99999 EXIT 99999