Embedded Work History Approval#

The embedded form Work History Approval (ERWH) is used by both the request facility and by approvals to display crucial information regarding Candidate's work history.

Approval For
The candidate who is being granted the approval will be identified in this field

Job Info#

This field shows the title the candidate held in the company defined.
This field allows defines the type of job associated with this employment.
This field indicates the level of responsibility the candidate had at the company.
Reason for Leaving
This field shows the reason the candidate left the assignment.
Start Date
This field is used to display the start date the candidate began working in their previous assignment.
End Date
This field is used to display the end date of the candidate working in their previous assignment.
This field displays the years of experience gained in this position.

Employer Address#

Company Name
This field displays the company name where the candidate was employed.
Address 1
This field displays the address of the company.
Address 2
This field provides further address information for the company.
This field displays the city or town for the company’s address.
This field displays the state or province description with the applicable country concatenated at the end.
Postal Code
This field holds the zip or postal code for the address.

Employer Contact#

This field displays the name of the individual providing the reference.
This field displays the reference’s title within their company
Phone #
Phone Number is the main phone number for the reference.
Phone Extn.
This field displays the extension (if any) for the reference.
Available to Contact
This field indicates if the candidate's referral is available to contact.

Summary of Major Work Duties#

This field allows the candidate to provide additional information about the past employment.


This section will display the approval bar where the approver may approve or dis-approve the information.

Notes #

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