!!!Embedded Sundry Pay/Deductions Approval The [embedded form|EMBEDDED FORMS] Sundry Pay/Deductions Approval (EPSN) is used by both the [request facility|REQUEST FACILITY] and by [approvals|APPROVALS] to display crucial information regarding Sundry Pay/Deductions. \\ !!Sundry ;[Sundry Approval For]: The individual who is being granted the approval will be identified in this field. ;[Assignment|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:The assignment type from the employee’s assignment screen ;[Sundry Line] ;[Start Date|START_DATE]:This field shows the date that the sundry transaction commences. ;[Pay Component|PC_CODE]:A pay component code is a unique number code from 1 to 9,999 assigned to uniquely identify the pay component. Only pay components with the toggle ‘Enter Sundry’ turned on from the [IPPC] form will be accessible. ;[Description|PC_Description]:This field holds a short description of the pay component. \\ !!Details ;[Position|POSITION_CODE]:This is the position code from the sundry’s assignment. Position_Code will default based on the sundry line but may be overridden. ;[Job|JOB_CODE]: This is the Job code from the sundry’s assignment. Job_Code will default based on the sundry line but may be overridden. ;[Jurisdiction|JURISDICTION_NAME]:This jurisdiction field is not currently being used. ;[User Calc|USER_CALC_CODE]:This field shows the UserCalc that may be attached to the pay component chosen. ;[Pay Point Type|PAY_POINT_TYPE]:This field indicates when this pay component needs to be picked up for processing during the pay calculation. Pay_Point_Type is a mandatory fixed lexicon ([X_PAY_POINT_TYPE]) that will default from the pay component chosen for this sundry. ;[Seq.|PAY_POINT_SEQUENCE]:This field displays the unique sequence number assigned to each item processed in a pay point. Items processed in a pay point may include multiple pay lines, UserCalcs, Benefit Plans and Leave Policies. Pay_Point_Sequence will default from the pay component chosen for this pay line. ;[Pay Point Task|PAY_POINT_TASK]:A pay point task identifies the kind of process within the pay point. ;[Reference|REFERENCE_INFO PSL]: This field allows you to enter a note or reference for the sundry. ;[Sundry Type|SUNDRY_LINE_TYPE]:Indicates whether the sundry line is for a regular amount, an arrears amount, or a retro pay amount. ;[Distribution|DISTRIBUTION_MASK]:This field holds the sundry’s overridden distribution mask applicable for all its sundry details within the DR and CR journal entry posting. ;[Work Order|WORK_ORDER]:Work Order is used to define work orders attached to a specific sundry. ;[Cost Center|COST_CENTER_CODE]:Cost Center is used to define a short cut for the cost center information attached to a specific sundry. \\ !! Approval This section will display the [approval bar|DRV_APPROVAL_BAR] where the approver may approve or dis-approve the new class schedule. \\ ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.ECRSC] [{InsertPage page='Internal.ECRSC' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]