!!EOM - End Of The Month Check The EOM (End of Month) command checks the pay period on which this UserCalc is being performed to see if it contain the last day of a calendar month. i.e. A specific pay period is May 20th to June 3rd. In this case, the last day of a calendar month (May 31) is contained within the pay period. May 31st would be the EOM looked for. This command has a true path (If Goto) and a false path (Else Goto). ;Statement:For any pay period containing the end of a month date, a warning should be issued for any part time employees who worked more 30 hours or more. ||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto||Else GoTo |00010| EOM| | | | | | | |00020|99999 |00020|IF|DB|DGR.GROUP_CODE|IN|$L|PT GROUPS| | |00100|99999 |00100|IF|EM|HOURS WORKED|GT|$C|PT MAX HRS| | |00200|00110 |00110|LET|V|EOM|EM|$S|PERIOD-START-DATE| | | 00120| |00120|LET|V|TOTAL HOURS|ELPL|ET|HOURS WORKED|V|EOM|00130| |00130|LET|V|TOTAL HOURS|ADD|V|TOTAL HOURS|EM|HOURS WORKED|00140| |00140|IF|V|TOTAL HOURS|GT|$C|PT MAX HRS| | |00200|99999 |00200|LET|V|MAX HRS|CHAR|$C|PT MAX HRS| | |00210| |00210|LET|V|WARNING MESSAGE|EQ|A|EE has surpassed max PT Hrs of|V|MAX HRS|00220| |00220|MSG|V|WARNING MESSAGE| | | | | |99999| |99999|EXIT| | | | | | | |99999| ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.EOM_COMMAND] [{InsertPage page='Internal.EOM_COMMAND' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]