This is a summary of the actions that are taken in payroll when a pay is processed for a terminated employee. When a new pay header is inserted, if the termination date for the employee’s employment is within the period begin and end dates, you must check if there is a [termination reason|TERMINATION_CODE] on the Employment ([IEEI]) form. If there is a [termination reason|TERMINATION_CODE] and the termination date falls within the pay period indicated, check to see if the '[Final Pay|FINAL_PAY]' toggle has been turned on in the Termination Reason ([IDTR]) form. If the ‘[Final Pay|FINAL_PAY]’ toggle has been turned on, then '[Final Pay Method|FINAL_PAY_METHOD]' field will default to ‘Final Pay’ on the pay header. Although the '[Final Pay Method|FINAL_PAY_METHOD]' on the pay header is set automatically during Pay Header Insert, it can be turned on and off manually. If the '[Final Pay Method|FINAL_PAY_METHOD]' on the pay header is equal to 'Final Pay', then [UPAUDT] will check the [termination reason|TERMINATION_CODE] for further processing. If in [IDTR], the ‘[Collect $ Owing|COLLECT_MONIES_OWING]' toggle is on, then [UPAUDT] will collect all arrears outstanding and issue appropriate exception messages. If the '[Purge Sundry|PURGE_SUNDRY]' toggle is on, then [UPAUDT] will expire all remaining sundry items by moving the 'End Date' back to the 'Termination Date' and issue appropriate exception messages. When a final pay is 'Prepared' during [UPAUDT], the original sundry end date is stored in the '[Reference Info|REFERENCE_INFO]' column of the Pay Line. This column stores the 'End Date' before the [UPAUDT], so that [UPUNPREP] is able to revert the sundry back to the stage before the audit process is done. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.EMPLOYEE+TERMINATIONS+AND+PAYROLL+IMPLICATIONS] [{InsertPage page='Internal.EMPLOYEE+TERMINATIONS+AND+PAYROLL+IMPLICATIONS' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]