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Work flows describe an automated method of performing daily or routine tasks. One task in particular is automatically generating an email to a selected person or group of people. Work flows are internally driven and deployed when key events, such as hiring or terminating of an employee, occur.\\  \\
Clients have the ability to set up work flows to send emails with direct links to a form within Self Service to end users and candidates. This can be done via an Email Type work flow action.\\  \\
We suggest that the Workflow documentation is reviewed prior to setting up work flow to email URL links.\\  \\	
!!Features of Work Flow Email with Links
#Can be applied to both Candidate Self Service and Employee/Manager Self Service
#The URL link may or may not contain the last name and person/candidate code. Due to security reasons, the link cannot be formatted to include the pin number.  
#The user is forced to login after which they are directed to the form specified in the URL.
#In addition to the form name, key information can be specified so the users are led directly to a specific record within the form. For example, you can set up a link to have a user directed to a specific posting or assessment.
#The key information is the foreign key and row id of the item you wish to find.\\For example, on WCRPO, the posting foreign key ID (represented by RPO) and the specific posting is identified by the row id number in the database, which can be found in ePersonality by clicking on the Show Audit Details icon within the form. 
#The execution rights for forms are respected. 

!!Process to Create Work Flow Email with a Link
#Create an Email Type work flow action\\[EmailWorkflowLinks_01.jpg]\\
#Create a UserCalc to call the work flow action.\\[EmailWorkflowLinks_02.jpg]\\
The link is placed in the Description section associated with an ACT command (Initiate Work Flow Action) in a usercalc, along with other text that would be placed in such an email. \\
!!How to Structure URL Links
An Employee Self Service link with a specified form:\\
<html> <a href="http://servername.domain/selfService_PILOT/action.form?FORM=WCRPO">Click Here</a> </html>\\  \\
A Candidate Self Service link with a specified form:\\
<html> <a href="http://servername.domain/selfService_PILOT/candidate.form?FORM=WCRPO">Click Here</a> </html>\\  \\
An Employee Self Service link with a specified form with key information (e.g. specific posting):\\
<html> <a href="http://servername.domain/selfService_PILOT/action.form?FORM=WCRPO&RPO=777">Click Here</a> </html>\\  \\
An Employee Self Service link with context information and a specified form:\\
<html> <a href="http://servername.domain/selfService_PILOT/action.form?LAST_NAME=<<EID.LAST_NAME>>&PERSON_CODE=<<EID.PERSON_CODE>>&FORM=WCR\\