The employee makes an election choice by clicking the coverage they want.

When one coverage option line is toggled on, all other lines are automatically toggled off.

If the plan participation is optional, an additional “Coverage Declined” line will be shown at the bottom of the list to give the employee the ability to opt out of the plan. On the third tab the employee will be prompted for the reason for the decline for any plans / plan election sets that they have declined in tab 2.

In all cases where there is a choice, a “Coverage To Be Decided” line will appear at the bottom of the list to give the employee time to think about the coverage they want.

The “Coverage To Be Decided” line will not appear if the plan participation is required and there is only one coverage level to choose from.

Validation must be performed in order for the correct Election Decision to display after election changes are made. Validation may be done manually by pressing the Validate button in WEBOEE and in IBPOE. Validation will also be done automatically during the Submit process when the Submit button is pressed. If changes are made by the Administrator in IBPOE, they should press the Validate button to ensure the correct Election Decision is displayed and read by any reports that may be run to capture changes.

The choice toggle determines the Election Decision for the plan as follows:

Election Decision
To Be Decided In WEBOEE the toggle is on the “To Be Decided” line. In IBPOE, no coverage is selected.
Elected, No Change The toggle is on the line that matches the current enrollment. The recipients, elected coverage and entered election amount match the current enrollment record.
Elected, With Changes Toggle is on a coverage that does not match the current enrollment. This includes changes to recipients, coverage, or entered election amount.
Declined Toggle is on the “Coverage Declined” line.
Newly Elected Toggle is on a coverage that the employee is not currently enrolled in.

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