Equal Employment Opportunity - EEO1 Report#

Project Objective#

The project objectives are to replace the old REEO1 in order to support also multi – establishments, and to obtain the EEO -1 file data


  • On IMLN User Defined Lexicon: X_ORG_LEVEL_TYPE The E1 and E2 should be added like below EEO1Report_01.JPG(info)
  • In IDOL the new organization levels should be added like below:
    • Add one entry for Org Level with type “E EO Headquarter” with all the department that belongs to it
    • If it the customer is a multi-establishment employer then you should add as many entries for Org Level with Type EEO Locn Establishment as you need, and enter for each of them the departments that belong to it.
  • IDLN screen for each EEO Establishment organization level the user need to set up the legal location address. The name of the location should be identical with organization level.
e.g. EEO1Report_04.JPG(info) EEO1Report_05.JPG(info)
  • After the location is defined the user should enter the values for the following user fields.
The user fields can be created manually in IMUF or automatic on first run of REEO1. EEO1Report_06.JPG(info)
  • In IDEN the user should enter the “Company Number”.
The “Company Number” user field can be created manually in IMUF or automatic on first run of REEO1 EEO1Report_07.JPG(info)

How The Report Works#

  • Parameters
EEO1Report_08.JPG(info) EEO1 File Name – is the name for EEO-1 data file If the Create Errors File is yes – an error file it will be created named EEO1_file_errors.csv If the Create Dump File is yes – an error file it will be created named EEO1_file_dump.csv If the Details in Dump File is yes – the EEO1_file_dump.csv file will have employee details information e.g
    • EEO1_file.txt
It will have also calculated the consolidate line if you do not have any filters at the level of the department or the headquarter departments are included in the list of departments and you have more then one establishment. The consolidated line it will be the first one in the file The headquarter line it will be the second if the consolidate line exist.
    • EEO1_file_dump.csv with details
  • EEO1 report it take in consideration for calculation the following values
    • IMLN - X_EEO_CATEGORY, system supplied
    • IMLN - X_ETHIC, system supplied

Set Up#

  1. IDEN - the UDF prompt for Company Number is also different ie: Company Number versus EEO1 Company Number.
    • Define Entities County Name
      • With IDEN Location code, go to IDLN form. Then in IDLN drop down from the GEO Tax Jurisdiction to IDTX, once there ensure the County Name is supplied.
    • IDOL - for Multi-Establishment Employers Only
      • For the Org Level Type 'EEO Headquarters' users must specify the Entity name that the EEO Headquarter is reporting for in the Parent Entity field.
      • For the Org Level Type 'EEO Locn Establishment' users must enter the Org Level Code from IDOL EEO Headquarter in the Parent Org Level field. This means this Location Establishment belongs to this EEO Headquarter.

Notes #

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