!!!Embedded Course Approval 
The [embedded form|EMBEDDED FORMS]  Course Approval (ECRS) is used by both the [request facility|REQUEST FACILITY] and by [approvals|APPROVALS] to display crucial information regarding establishing and approval of new courses..
;[Course|COURSE_CODE]:This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the [course|COURSES]. 
;[Title|COURSE_TITLE]:This field displays the title of the [course|COURSES]. 
;[Competence Group|COMPETENCE_GROUP]:This field identifies the competence group associated with this [course|COURSES]. 
;Click to View Class Schedules:By using this button you can toggle between the Class Schedules ([ICRSC]) screen and ICRS.

;[Status|COURSE_STATUS]:This field identifies the status of the [course|COURSES]. 
;[Type|COURSE_TYPE]:This field identifies whether the [course|COURSES] is internal or external. 
;[Category|COURSE_CATEGORY]:This field identifies the category that the [course|COURSES] falls under. 
;[Supplier|SUPPLIER_CODE]:This field identifies the source that supplies the [course|COURSES]. 
;[Test Assessment|RAS_ID_TESTED]:This field identifies the assessment associated with this [course|COURSES]. 
;[Survey Assessment|RAS_ID_SURVEYED]:This field identifies the survey assessment associated with this [course|COURSES]. 
;[Start Date|COURSE_START_DATE]:This field displays the date this [course|COURSES] begins. 
;[End Date|COURSE_END_DATE]:This field displays the date this [course|COURSES] ends. 
;[Starting Day|STARTING_DAY]:This field identifies the day of the week that the course will begin. 
;[Duration|DURATION]:This field displays the duration of the [course|COURSES]. 
;[Basis|DURATION_BASIS]:This field identifies the time basis that the previous field is expressed in. 
;[Repeat interval|REPEAT_INTERVAL]:If the course needs to be retaken at set intervals.\\''i.e. A lifeguard may have to take their first aid training every year, this field identifies the repeat intervals for the course.''\\
;[Basis|REPEAT_BASIS]:This field identifies the time basis that the previous field is expressed in. 
;[Required Grade|REQUIRED_GRADE]:This field identifies the grade required to complete this course. 
;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]:This field identifies the language that the course will be conducted in. 
;[External ID|EXTERNAL_COURSE_ID]:This field displays the course identification that is supplied by an external source. 
;[Registration #|REGISTRATION_NUMBER]:This field displays the registration number for the course. 
;[Format|COURSE_FORMAT]:This field identifies the teaching format of the course. 
;[Web Address|WEB_ADDRESS]:This field displays any web site address identified with the course. 
;[Sponsor|SPONSOR]:This field identifies the individual or position advocating this course. 

! Current Approvals
This section will display the [approval bar|DRV_APPROVAL_BAR] where the approver may approve or dis-approve the new course.
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