Embedded Employee Open Enrollments#
The embedded form Employee Open Enrollments (EBOEE) is used by both the request facility and by approvals to display crucial information regarding an employee's open enrollment.
- Election Opened
- This date indicates the start of the open enrollment period. Employees will not be able to access the Open Enrollment prior to this date.
- Election Closed
- This date indicates the last day of the open enrollment period. Employees will not be able to make changes to their elections after this date.
- Plan / Plan Set
- This field will display the plan code or plan election set that the employee is eligible for during the Open Enrollment.
- Current Coverage
- This field will display the coverage the employee is enrolled in. If the employee chooses a different coverage, this is displayed in this field. If the field is blank, this means that the employee is not enrolled in the plan and has not made a decision for the plan during this open enrollment.
- Election Decision
- This field tracks the employee's decision on the election of the coverage. The field is tied to the lexicon X_BE_OE_ELECTION_DECISION.
- Reason for Decline
- If Decline Reasons are required and the employee declines the plan during the Open Enrollment, the decline reason is displayed here. If Decline Reasons are required and are not supplied for a declined plan, the employee will not be able to submit their election. By default the system will require a reason for decline when an employee declines a coverage; however this can be changed by adding the site preference “BSS D REASON REQ” to IMST with the value of N. If the value is Y then decline reasons are required.
- Evidence Status
- If Evidence of Insurance is required to be submitted, the status of the employee submitting the evidence is displayed here. The field is tied to the lexicon X_EVIDENCE_STATUS.
Election Options#
- Plan
- The benefit plan code is displayed here.
- Coverage
- The description of the coverage is displayed here.
- Policy #
- The coverage's policy number is displayed.
- Pre Tax
- If the coverage has the Pre Tax toggle on in IBPN, this will be checked here as well. This indicates to the employee that the benefit costs are calculated pre-tax.
- EE Cost
- The employee's cost will be displayed here. This is derived from the Benefit Component B1040.
- ER Cost
- The employer's cost will be displayed here. This is derived from the Benefit Component B0680.
- Choice
- This toggle allows the employee to elect a coverage. One and only one coverage line must have this toggled on.
Current Approvals#
This section will display the approval bar where the approver may approve or dis-approve the employee's open enrollment.